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Taiga's Terrors (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2019 @ 4:59am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer
Edited on on Thu Oct 3rd, 2019 @ 5:00am

1,098 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Ready Room

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Taiga couldn't move. "This... can't be my own blood..." she crouched down, as if to protect herself by curling up into a ball. She held her arms in close to her body, she didn't know what was going on or why she was covered in all this blood. Why was her uniform sliced open? Why was she standing in a red pool? She was beginning to shake in fear. "Whats g...g...going on?!"

As if in answer, the sound of lighter Borg foot steps came from behind Daxer, as a shorter, half assimilated young girl stepped into view.

"Mommy?" The young girl called, but her voice too was distorted by implants. "Why did you let them take me, mommy?"

And now the continuation...

"What..." Taiga fell down to the floor, she began to shuffle away. "Mommy?" she asked as she shuffled more or less into a corner. She looked at the small child. She was like a minature version of herself, yet she had Ryuuji's features too. "You... you can't be here. I... I lost you!" tears began to emerge in her eyes. "I didn't want to... I didn't even know you were there... no..." she turned to face Daxer. "Don't do this to me.... please..." she begged and cried.

"I'm not doing anything, Taiga." Jen replied. She leaned over, injecting Borg tubules into the desk console. Within seconds, various bits of Borg technology spread through out the room. When it reached the red emergency light, the pulsing red changed colors to pulsing green. "I'm not really here, remember?"

"You let them take me, and now you're trying to send me away again..." The young girl said, taking a few small steps towards where Taiga was huddled in the corner. "Such a bad mommy! Why are you so mean?"

Taiga couldn't help but cower more into the corner. "I'm not..." Taiga cried. She couldn't get any further into the corner. "Go away! No!" she cried out. She didn't want to look at the girl, this couldn't have been her daughter, yes she lost the child, but why was she here now?

As Taiga started screaming, the child vanished, and Daxer fell to her knees, grabbing the spot n the back of her head that had sparked during the original Borg invasion that she'd led. "I'm getting too old for this shit..."

In a quick flash, the room was back to what it had been before, with one exception. Daxer was standing in front of Taiga, again wearing the leather jacket, and black jeans.

"None of this is real, Captain." Jen said simply, not wavering in the least, as she looked down on Taiga. "You're hallucinating, and you need to wake up... so wake up!"

"NO!" Taiga cried pushing Jen away. "Get away! Get away!" she cried out again. "This is too real, why do you continue to torture me?" she asked tears running down her face. This was the worst she had ever felt, she was huddled in a corner and felt weak, powerless and alone. She looked up at Jen.

"You're not real..." she said holding both sides of her head "None of this is real... its all just in my head... its all in my head..."

Despite being a hallucination, Daxer had actually stumbled, when Taiga pushed her away. "That is exactly my point, Taiga." She said, stepping back to where she had been standing before. "If none of it is real, then it means you're hallucinating... It also means your crew is likely doing the same thing, and needs their Captain to find out why..."

Taiga continued to sob. She had curled up her knees to her chest and now rested her head on them. She was hiding from it all. "How can this even be real. You're not on board... there's no way..." she muttered to herself. Her colour had faded, she looked paler than a ghost.

Eventually she looked up at Jen. This time she was standing in the leather jacket which she had first met her in. "I'm hallucinating" she said with a slight laugh, before she knew it she was laughing strangely. "I can't help... myself. This is all such a childish thing to do!" she laughed like she was going insane.

"And you're not even here!" she said laughing pointing at Jen. "Get off my ship!" she said followed by an evil style laugh. Her eyes wide open staring through Jen. "Get off my ship, you stupid ghost! You're no longer here, take your Borg and get out of here!" she half laughed, half shouted. "Or else..." she tilted her head, she had begun to lose it. "Or else... I'll go find a Proton Pack!" she laughed. "Get it?! Proton Pack?!" she laughed. "Bring it on!"

"Enough it s enough..." As Jen said it, she reached down, and grabbed Taiga by her shoulders, practically hefting the short woman to her feet. She put herself nose to nose with Taiga, an hair of determination in her features.

"Get a grip, woman!" Jen snapped, looking to break through the woman's fog filled mind. "This isn't a game, or a movie! I'm not some ghost you can just bust down with some ancient proton weapon!"

Jen took her hands off Taiga, and stepped back only a small distance. "Something is very, VERY wrong with you!" She promptly slapped Taiga across the face. "Now wake up!!"

Taiga passed out on the floor, slowly laughing. She curled up in a ball.

A few minutes later, Taiga's eyes opened slowly. She was still curled up in a ball in the corner. The emergency lighting was still cating its glow over the room. She sat up and looked around confused.

"Was... that all real?" she asked outloud looking around the room. "Did... I imagine that entire thing?"

"I'm still here, Taiga." She heard a faint echo of Jen's voice, as if it were coming from the very air itself. "But it's not really me... I think it's time to find the Doctor... Something is wrong, and you need to find out what that is."

"Yeah... she can bugger off now" Taiga said outloud, pulling a small smile and picking herself up off the floor. It was like having an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. At this time though, Taiga had no idea which one was which, or who to follow. "I'm just over-reacting... I think..."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Old XO, played by Guest writer


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