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Protecting the Fighters (part 1)

Posted on Mon Nov 13th, 2017 @ 2:46pm by Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'

1,245 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks


Bobby Sue hated sitting around and doing nothing, even in Starfighter Ops. "What about the fighters?" she asked. "They could be used as weapons, even from the shuttle bay. Shouldn't we lock them down or keep them from starting up?"

Silica nodded. "We can," she replied. "But how do we do that?" she asked nervously.

"Easy enough. There are a couple of things that'll work," Bobbie Sue assured her. "I'm a mechanic as well as a pilot. So, if you'll keep an eye out, I'll disable the birds."

"Pull the ignition switches is a good and easy start." Trigman said calmly. "Easy to pull or replace should the need arise. Have any available Crews start to do the same." He instructed The orders were emet with surprised expressions. "Get a move on it people!" It was rare that the laid back style of Trigman got angry, he had only achieved 'irritation right now.

Bobbie Sue grabbed her tool belt and made sure she had everything she would need, then headed for the first fighter. It was a simple matter once she got the ladder in place.

"Two person crews." Trigman said snapping a belt with tools on his person. "Not a lot of time to play here people I do not want our birds being used against us."


Soren suddenly felt a vibration in his leg, coming from the holosphere in the thigh of his right cybernetic leg, clearing something was bothering Bettie. He reached into his pocket, in into the slip between in the inner lining of his uniform pants and leg, and tapped on the sphere. It released from its compartment and slipped out into his hand, allowing him to pull it out of his leg and from his pocket. He lifted it slightly in front of his face and whispered. "Bettie? What's wrong?"

"Someone is messing with me, Speedy." Bettie replied quickly, a small amount of concern in her voice.

He raised a brow quickly and asked. "You mean like trying to hack into your network? That's impossible. You and I encrypted it with practically a million firewalls and fail safes. There is no way-"

"No, Speedy. The other me." Bettie interrupted, raising her tone slightly.

Soren raised a brow, for a moment slightly confused, until it finally hit him. "Son of a-" He began to say before running off without another word or thought. Surprisingly, he didn't run into much trouble finding his way to the fighter bay. Only a few mirror universe people got in his way and he caught them mainly off guard so it worked in his favor.

---===Fighter Bay===---

The doors to the fighter bay opened as Soren ran in, quickly going to the panel on the side of the door, he tapped on the console and locked the door behind him. When that was secured, he turned to look at the fighters in the bay. He could careless about everyone else's fighter, it was his that was the priority. His concern was getting to Bettie and no where else. As he approached, he saw someone trying to work on his fighter, and only being slightly swayed from the shock defenses he established.

"Hey?! HEY!" Soren shouted as he approached. "Don't touch my stuff."

Bobbie Sue pulled her head out from under the top of the fighter and turned to see who was yelling at her. "What?"

"What? What?! Don't what me, Kid." Soren replied quickly as he approached. "You do not touch my bird. No one touches my bird without my specific instructions. Even then you need a hand written letter of consent, signed documentation, list of rules and regulations, and a notary. It used to require a first born, but I waived that after an incident with a Vulcan. Don't ask." As he got closer and closer something about this situation seemed all too familiar.

She took umbrage at being called Kid. She turned around to tell him so, then stopped, recognizing him from a previous conversation. Apparently, he called everyone Kid. "Bel Air, I'll touch your precious bird if I feel it necessary, and right now, it's necessary."

"Bel-Air?" Soren said as he turned to look at her. He paused slightly, raising a brow as she seemed familiar and than it occurred to him. "T-Bird!" He shouted with his eyes wide and a smile on his face. "What was it? Billy? Barty? Boris?" He stood there for a second before shouting again, for the second time. "Bobbie! Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter. Right? In racing you like things fast and dangerous, but there are times when slow and sweet is definitely better." Soren let out a bit of a chuckle before crossing his arms over his chest. "Been a long time, Pretty. You look great. Never did get to that race and three course meal you were gonna owe me."

Bobbie Sue folded her arms across her chest. "Can you ever speak in anything close to a normal tone of voice. And for the record, you were going to lose. Badly. Because I don't think you know how to do anything slow. Or sweet." She was having a very hard time not smiling.

"I can, I just often choose not to." Soren replied with a smirk. "And your record can show whatever it wants to. I will stick with the realistic facts. And the facts are your T-Bird would never outrun my Challenger. In the looks department, much like you, and I am sure its breathtaking, but in a race my wheels are superior." He placed his hands in his pockets and smiled as he continued. "Don't let that sway you from trying. It's the thought that counts."

"No time to test that theory today." She gave him a cheeky grin. "But waiting to lose will do you good." She nodded to the fighter. "I'm making sure the fighters can't be used against us. Nothing major, just enough to keep them from firing up and shooting."

"I will have you know, Suzy Q, that I lose very graciously. So don't get your hopes up." Soren replied with a playful smirk before walking toward the fighter.

She gave the fighter a closer look. "I didn't recognize this as yours. I guess I expected your AI to yell at me."

"She is currently with me, Kid." Soren replied quickly as he approached her. He tapped his leg and gave her a slightly raised brow as a smile formed on his face. "I've had an upgrade or two since we last met." He crossed his arms over his chest and looked around slightly before focusing on her. "So, do you want to direct this conversation completely around and finally get to tell me why you have your inexperienced hands all over my bird?"

"I just told you. To keep the Terran Empire from using the ships as weapons," Bobbie Sue said, hopping down to the deck. "I am NOT inexperienced. I can take one of these birds apart and put it back together." She walked up to Soren. "And before you comment, yes, it will fly after I put it back together."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter
Squadron Leader

Ensign Silica Tetsuhika
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman
Starfighter Commander

Lieutenant Commander Soren "Speedy" Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer


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