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Time to be poked and prodded

Posted on Mon Jul 3rd, 2017 @ 2:19pm by Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Alex Walker
Edited on on Fri Feb 2nd, 2018 @ 11:12am

696 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Sick Bay

Trigman was not a fan of the Sick Bay; during combat campaigns he spent too much time here; going to see his pilots and such, but this time he had a more 'vested' interest in seeing the Doctor; it was time for his regular Medical review. The yearly physical examination that meant Trigman did not have to endure a desk job.

Entering the Sick Bay he made his way to the Chief Medical Officer's Office; five minutes ahead of his appointment showing Trigman did not fear the doctor ; nor the sick bay, and more respected the job that was to be done.

"Doctor Walker." Trigman rapped on the office door frame. "Lt. Commander Nicolas Trigman, I am here for my physical."

"Commander," Alex responded, looking up from a padd. "Good. Let's get started then shall we?" He motioned for Trigman to follow him out into the main area of sickbay. "If you would like to have a seat on the biobed, we'll begin."

"I am at your service." Trigman said as he moved to remove his jacket to place upon the chair near the biobed. "I presume you have the records Doc?"

"I have records for both yourself and your spouse Lily." He paused, taking out the tricorder and beginning his scans. "I will need her to come in as well, SOP after an incident like we had on our last mission."

"I will remind her." Trigman replied. "But official business we keep that outside the quarters. Between you and her Doc, she is reserved by nature, she will come around when needed."

"Understandable. Meru and I agreed to not talk shop back when she was on active duty." He shrugged, "Of course now that's she's off active duty, little bit of shop talk keeps her sane." He ran the scanner around Trigman's head and neck. "Any specific aches or pains you've noticed last month or so?" he asked, going back to the scan at hand?

"Do stress headaches from some of the new pilots count?" Trigman asked. "Aside from that nothing out of the ordinary, typical aches and pains after a long flight or longer workout of course?"

Alex chuckled, "I do have medication for headaches but I can't cure the root cause in this case. Same with the rigors of flight and exercise. If your seat is bothering you, we may be able to review the ergonomics but from what I understand, those seats were never really made for long duration flights."

"I think the seat has been molded to my frame and comfortable." Trigman said. "The Headache is a stress one, I have a pilot who ..." He had to think of the words. "Is very sure of himself and causing a little upheaval."

"Arrogance. Yes. A trait I find more often in fighter pilots and marines. A result of the training I am assured." Alex remarked, trying to make a bit of a joke.

"I must have missed that dose of training; my Flight Mentor said 'those that are the best need not voice their own opinion." Trigman retort. "I try to lead by example."

"I think it's just human nature. Put a bunch of strong personalities together, a culture that seems to reward arrogance and swagger, and this is what you get." HE smiled, "Even the normally silent types lose that to some extent." he remarked, thinking about a cousin who'd enlisted in Starfleet's marine forces.

"Well, so far so good on the scans Commander. If you could lay back, we'll begin the more detailed scans. Normally we don't need to do one for another six months or so, but given the crews recent contact with the Borg, SOP is to do a deep scan, ensure nothing got left behind as it were."

"Of course." Trigman lay back. "I am yours for the duration."

Alex smiled and ran the detailed scan. When it was done he smiled again. "I'm sorry to report that you are healthy. As long as you stay away from Borg and strange space creatures, you should be good to go for another six months."


Lieutenant Commander NIcolas Trigman
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Alex Walker
Chief Medical Officer


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