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Unexpected reunion

Posted on Thu Dec 19th, 2024 @ 5:11pm by Lieutenant JG Connor Carey & Lieutenant Talia Johnson

847 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Chief counsellors office
Timeline: Prior to young but experienced

Connor had just finished his first shift onboard the Tokyo, with them heading to Elachi space again, he was going through the list of what he had to do. Currently there was no official security chief or assistant. Though there was a Daxer working with Tactical, but her main position was unclear to him. Walking up to the door, he straightened his uniform, this Lt Johnson was new, but something told him, someone familiar was on the other side of the door.

Inside Talia was getting a familiar feeling from the person outside her door, walking across and opening the door her mouth dropped open in surprise. “Connor!? How? Why?” She shook off the surprise and invited him in.

"Talia Jansen... I mean Johnson... I guess congratulations is in order... been a while."

“It’s been ages!” Talia motioned for Connor to sit down. “Please sit, tell me all about what you’ve been up to. How are Sky, Talsi, and your father? I haven’t had chance to catch up with them.”

"My father has his hands full, being head of starfleet security. Though often complains about leaving the centre chair of the Resolution. Mom, shes sticking by him, as usual, even though hes gotten crankier in his older years. Tal, well shes Off on another adventure Commanding the Montgomery."

Talia nodded. “Sounds like Tal isn’t ready to give up exploring yet, though your mum doesn’t surprise me sticking with your dad. What about your sister? What’s she up to?”

"Shes turned into the rebel of the family. Always doing whatever mom and dad tell her not to. Avoided starfleet. Trying to provide counselling to Klingon warriors on the KDF Martok."

“Ahh she has her mother’s fire then” Talia grinned. “I remember seeing your mum in action one day giving someone an earful for something. I can’t remember what now though.”

"Could be anything." Connor admitted

“So you’re part of the Tokyo crew now? It’ll give us a chance to catch up again, but I’m guessing you’re here for your psych evaluation?”

"Does being family, negate the ability?"

“To be honest, immediate family yes it would, but we’re extended family so it kind of gives me a little leeway.” Talia smiled.

"Thats good then." Connor agreed

Talia nodded. “I’m sure if it’s seen as a problem Starfleet will soon let me know.” She offered a smile. “Have you settled in Okay? Had a chance to report in yet?”

"Not yet, but I do need to talk to talk to Commander Johnson, seeing as how he knew I was seeking transfer, I want to thank him for getting me over here."

“Thomas did that?” Talia offered a surprised look. “He kept that quiet, unless he didn’t realise we were related. Though he’s normally pretty thorough.”

"He was my chief on my last posting, took me under his wing kinda my first few months, out of the academy. Told my father off after he asked what I needed to work on to get ahead. I was on my third day." Connor replied, "Even before he left the routeledge, I never quite fit the ship and asked for a transfer. When he did leave he told me he would see what he could do to get me off."

Talia nodded. “That definitely sounds like Thomas. I’ll tell you what, why don’t you come and join us for dinner one night? I’m sure Thomas would like that as much as I do.”

"Sure as long as hes ok with it."

“I’m sure he will be, besides you’re family” Talia smiled warmly.

"Still have yet to meet with him."

“Then we’d best hurry up with this evaluation, and you can get on your way” Talia smiled warmly. “I don’t need a lot of information.”

"Sure lets gets started."

“Okay...” Talia looked at her PADD. “So, what are your expectations of serving aboard the Tokyo? Are you happy that you’ll be able to face any challenges that come your way?”

"Its something I fully expect this ship has faced many challenges, and advancement is something I hope to do on this ship."

Talia nodded. “I have no doubt you’ll do well, but Starfleet require spoken confirmation backed up by my assessment of you.” She grinned. “Is there anything you feel you need to talk about?”

"At he moment no issues what so ever."

Talia nodded. “In that case I think I have all I need for now” She smiled warmly. “I’ll let you get back to duty. It is nice having you here Connor.”

"It is nice to see a familiar face." Connor agreed as he stood. "Just let me know what the Commander says and we will take it from there."

“Will do” Talia nodded and smiled before putting her PADD aside, standing upshe gave Connor a quick hug. “Now go and enjoy yourself.” She grinned.

"Fully intend to Tali." He replied walking out of her office.


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