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Prologue - The Warning

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 11:15am by Captain Yuri Nakamura
Edited on on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 11:40am

947 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Relay Station 49

[Starfleet Relay Station 49. - Federation Side of the Romulan Neutral Zone]

Lieutenant Addams took a sip of his morning coffee as he lazily entered the tiny central area of the Relay Station. The small 'station' (if you could call it a station) had been his home for the past eighteen months. One he shared with Ensign Westwood.

"Morning Joe," Westwood greeted turning away from one of the consoles.

"Morning Katie. Anything that warrants us being stuck out here?" He asked simply before taking another sip of his sorry excuse for coffee. "Urgh, as if things weren't bad enough now the replicators can't even get coffee right!"

Katie smirked. "I'll take a look at them for you. But getting back to your original question..."

"Oh yeah... that... The whole reason we're out here. To explore strange new worlds! To see what's out there... Not sitting on some old cramped Relay Station out in the middle of literally no where." He muttered.

Katie smiled. "It's not so bad. At least it's peaceful." She turned back to her console. "As far as being peaceful, there's not much going on. A Romulan freighter passed the Neutral Zone on a supply run to Tavak Seven. Oh and a Class Four comet came onto long range sensors."

"Riveting stuff!" Joe exclaimed, sarcasm heavy in his voice. "Four years of Starfleet Academy training was well worth it for this!" He flopped down into his chair by his station, crossed one leg over the other and slumped back. "Where is all the excitement? The risks? The action?!"

Suddenly without warning all the screens switched from their usual monitoring screens. "What the..."

"To anyone out there!" a rather young looking woman started talking on the screen. She had pink-purple hair and dazzling green eyes. She was wearing a Command Starfleet uniform which looked dirty, ripped and ragged. "I am Captain Yuri Nakamura. I was the Commander of the Federation Starship Oceania!" she continued her voice and tone seemed rushed and urgent.

Yuri looked behind her as if checking something. "I don't have much time! They probably know already." she said as she looked behind her again. The room around her looked strange, with a large arched door directly behind her and strange fog rolling across the floor. Yuri coughed a couple of times before she turned back to the screen.

"My crew. Some of us are alive. Captured by the Elachi." she coughed again. "I don't know where we are. So I'm transmitting this in hope that you can trace it's source.". She looked back over her shoulder again. A loud thud echoed around the room. "Oh God they're here." she said noticeably trembling in fear.

"If you pick up this transmission. Tell Starfleet that we're alive. The Elachi don't want us dead... Well, the Women at least. We make good breeding vessels for them." the sounds of banging became louder and louder as of something was trying to break through the door behind her. Yuri looked back over her shoulder once again before looking back at the camera. "They're working for the Iconians! And they've been planning all this for thousands of years! Aisaka was right! There's more to it than meets the eye...: her tone was starting to become more panicked and distressed now.

"If you can. Send help. Alert Starfleet. If not, then run. Because they're coming! And we can't stop them! Save yourselves!" There was an explosion behind Yuri as the door was blasted away. Yuri closed her eyes as the explosion shockwave hit her. "I'm out of time. Tell Starfleet! Find us! HELP US! PLEASE!". Three strange looking aliens appeared through the door abd rushed over.

"No!" Yuri disappeared from the screen. "Oh God no! Get away from me!" she could be heard shouting at them. The three Elachi walked off screen and the sound of a scuffle could be heard followed by a high pitched scream, it didn't take a genius to realise it was from Yuri.

"Let me go! No! Not again! No!" Yuri screamed. She appeared again with an two Elachi, each one dragging her backwards holding one arm each. It was the first time anything but her head and shoulders had been visible on screen. Her stomach was swollen, the lower half of her uniform ripped away. She kicked and struggled against the Elachi as they dragged her away.

"JUST KILL ME!" she pleaded with her captures. "Not this again! NO!". She was dragged through the door and out of view. Her cries and screams gradually getting lower in volume. Suddenly without warning the screen was filled by one of an Elachi looking directly at the camera before it cut off.

Joe and Katie sat there in stunned silence. "You... Got all that right?" Joe asked.

Katie nodded in response. "Every second..."

"Store that recording somewhere safe." Joe ordered "Then get me Starfleet Command. Priority One!" He added placing the coffee on the side and sitting up in his chair, Suddenly now more alert and ready to take action.

Katie nodded. "You wanted action. Seems like you got your wish. Maybe they'll send a Starship to investigate."

"Yeah, well out here anything can happen. I guess I should be careful what I wish for." Joe replied his eyes transfixed on his console. Katie nodded as she turned back to her own console the images of the message running through her mind.

Posting by:

Lieutenant Joseph Addams
Communications Officer
Relay Station 49

Ensign Katie Westwood
Operatioms Officer
Relay Station 49


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