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Flight Of The Phoenix [Part 10]

Posted on Sun May 19th, 2024 @ 2:47pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2' & Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1' & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Jesse Leon & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D. & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Ensign Hanna-Justina Marseille 'Desert Eagle'
Edited on on Sun May 19th, 2024 @ 2:52pm

2,034 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101), Main Bridge, Deck 1
Timeline: Approximately 1 hour after Part 9, immediately after "The Aisaka Alliance"

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo:

The aft impulse engines on the Endeavour fired up, as the NX Class Starship began to move for the first time in over two hundred years. Slowly the ship turned and then it then started to move off, kicking up sand and dust behind it as it started to leave its crash site.

And now... the continuation!

The briefing had just ended. Shortly Taiga would be making contact with the crews of the other ships around them. She had just walked out onto the bridge when the proximity alert went off.

"Captain..." The officer manning security said. "We've got a..." he paused for a moment to double check his readings. "A starship... heading right at us..."

"A starship?" Taiga said. "Put it on screen."

The viewscreen switched to show a ship, only just hovering above the sand dunes. A huge plume of sand and dust kicked up from behind it. The ship was made up of a single saucer , with a large oval deflector mounted on the front and two cylindrical nacelles mounted on swept back pylons.

"Holy crap..." Taiga said. "That looks like an NX Class!"

Scanning the ship, "Registers as the USS Endeavour, reported missing over 200 years ago." Thomas replied accessing his consoles scanners.

"But that can't be possible," Chisato argued as she moved over to get a better look. "how is that thing still flight-worthy after 200 years?"

Talia stood up alongside Taiga just as amazed to see the NX Class. “If that ship can operate here, it’s one hell of a good omen!” She smiled hopefully.

"The big question is, who's flying it?!" Taiga said. "Nezuko, hail them!"

Nezuko nodded and typed away on her station. The chime of an open hailing channel sounded across the bridge.

Once the channel was open, Taiga hesitated for a moment. How exactly was she supposed to open a hail to a ghost ship from two hundred years ago. "This is Captain Taiga Aisaka of the Federation Starship Tokyo. Identify yourself." She said as she looked over at Thomas and gave him a brief shrug, she hoped that worked.

Thomas gave her a similar look and turned back to the view screen. Remaining silent. He leaned back into his chair. "Its airborne... but doesn't necessarily mean all its systems are...."

There was a short pause before Taiga's com badge started going off.

=A=This is...=A= came a garbled, barely legible response. =A=...da, Triumph Squad... gn Gemini; Do not shoot, Tokyo! I repeat, do not shoot-!=A=

It was at that point that the transmission cut entirely. subsequent attempts to hail them were met with static.

"My God, it's our pilots!" Chisato gasped.

"Yes, it would seem it is," Taiga replied. She looked back over at Thomas. "Once that ship..." she took a moment to find the words "...Lands... I want you to secure it. Have the Marines and Security ensure it's properly secured. Then I want Engineering and Operations to go over every inch of that ship." she paused for a moment. She looked back at Chisato. "You too."

"Bring those pilots to my ready room, along with Commander Moklor. Have medical standing by as well." she ordered.

Thomas nodded. "Aye sir." He turned sending a message to the security and marine departments to meet him outside the Tokyo with the proper equipment.

[Endeavour Bridge]

Nozomi tapped her badge a couple of times before sadly shaking her head. "I'm afraid that's it," she reported. "My badge is officially out of juice."

"Do we know if our message even got through to them?" Saeko observed.

"One can only hope," Nozomi sighed, before turning her attention to Fubuki. "Power down the engines, Lieutenant; prepare to set us down."

Fubuki looked back at Nozomi for a second. "I'm cutting the engines. I'm warning you, this isn't going to be... smooth..." she said simply as she reached out and cut the power to the engines.


As soon as he heard the engines powering down, Masamune immediately began making his way back over to the ladder; it wasn't going to do him any good to remain up on the catwalk, as if he took a tumble over the railing, he'd be risking serious injury- or worse.

He could already feel the ship beginning to vibrate even as scaled down the ladder, growing steadily more intense as the seconds dragged on. Disembarking the ladder, he limped over to the matter/antimatter injectors and firmly grabbed ahold of a conduit that was firmly mounted on the wall nearby. Having done everything he could, he closed his eyes, sucked in his breath, and- with no guarantee that he'd survive the impact- whispered a silent request asking for his sister's forgiveness.


"Nice and easy, now, Lieutenant," Nozomi instructed as she leaned back in her seat. "Remember to keep the nose up, just like we practiced."

"Here goes nothing..." Fubuki said as she gripped the helm console.

The Endeavour began to lower towards the ground. However it wasn't slow at all, it slammed into the sand throwing it high into the air. The circular hull of the ship cut through it as the ship began to slide as it began to lose momentum. The ship began to turn slightly to one side, starting to approach the Tokyo at a forty five degree angle.

The ship made a long groove in the sand as it cut through, finally coming to a stop about fifty meters from the edge of the Tokyo's hull.

Finally the shaking stopped, and Fubuki released her grip on the helm console. "You know..." she said. "For a pilot. It seems I'm not good at parking a starship... Give me a starfighter anyday..." she slumped down in her chair, allowing her arms to fall behind her as she let out a huge sigh of relief.

"After everything we've been through this past month, I can't say I blame you," Nozomi smiled warily. "I mean, don't get me wrong, it's been fun and all, but in all honesty, I can't say that the center chair's for me."

She stood up and took one last look around the bridge.

"Alright, everyone, let's get a move on," she ordered. "Make sure that the ship's logs are secured and all systems are powered down before we leave."


After a brief trip down to Engineering to retrieve Masamune (he was a bit shaken, but otherwise unharmed), the six of them climbed out through the emergency escape hatch and out onto the hull. The ship was still leaning at a precarious angle, so the pilots had to be careful not to lose their footing; but once they had regained their bearings, they were just in time to spot a small group of officers emerging from the Tokyo.

"HEY!" Nozomi called out, waving her arms in an effort to get their attention. "OVER HERE!"

Jesse Leon emerged from a hatch on the Tokyo, quickly followed by his personal squad of five security members, with two more squads following close behind in a v-formation.

"Eyes up we're in the fun zone." He called out as the group collectively raised their phasers and began sweeping scans across the perpendicular ship and the area around it, as they continued moving cautiously forwards.

"Just the pilots on the scan so far." Came L'era, Jesse's Caitian second in command, as she watched her PADD for life-signs, "Nothing else moving."

"Good." Jesse remarked as he kept his eyes on the crew struggling out of the crashed Endeavour towards to the Tokyo. "Where's that schematic?"

Another member of the team, Ford, stepped slightly forward, "I've got it. USS Endeavour, saucer section." He showed the PADD to Jesse.

The new Chief nodded, "Beta squad takes the port-side hatch, Delta squad takes starboard. Alpha team and I will head to the Bridge. Wait for the all clear."

Thomas followed the chief security. Being new to the position, seeing as this was just cut and dry, and no resistance was expected... he used this opportunity to watch the new chief in action. Command seemed to be natural to him.

Walking up to the entrance of the ship, he tapped a few of the buttons on the side of the door, after a long pause the door slowly opened. "Seems like minimal power. "Looking inside. "Lights on... minimal lighting inside." He turned the lights of the rifle on.

"Aye, sir," Jesse nodded to XO, before looking back to L'Era. "We still green?"

"Still just us and the pilots." The Caitian replied with a nod, "No surprise guests. Well - except for this two-hundred-year-old bird showing up."

"Alright, signal to Medical that it's safe for them to come out and treat the pilots and take them back inside the Tokyo." Jesse instructed, "Once they're clear, we'll search the vessel."

[On the hull]

"I don't think they've noticed us," Fubuki said to the others. "Maybe we should go back inside to greet them?"

"Some welcoming party..." Nozomi sighed.

"Hey, OVER HERE!" Fubuki shouted towards the commander's. She waved her arms in the air as she jumped up and down on the sand. It was logical for them to go to a docking port, but the pilots had already made their way outside and were standing near the rather crumpled deflector dish.

Thomas paused, he had been focused on the Lt and the other members of the away team to notice something, the obvious, the crew that had actually brought the ship to them. Moving out of the ship, followed the voice, and over. "Lt. We have our people on the hull... is there any way to get up there from the outside."

Jesse was focused on the ship and the surrounding area, but he gave a cautionary glance up to the hull where the pilots were now… waving? Dancing? It was hard to tell. They did just successfully fly and park a centuries old vessel in the middle of a desert so Jesse figured it could have been either.

“Use their life signs as a navigational point for a site to site transport of the Medical team to the hull?” He suggested, looking between the XO and the Doctor “Just account for the angle of the vessel.”

"That sounds like the most logical idea" Eli speaks up, holding tight to his medical kit.

"Lt, you know what to do, I will head up to the pilots make sure our guys are healthy and ready for treatment with the doctor. I will make my way in, they are safely back to the tokyo." Thomas stated, his training told him he should be leading the teams into the ship, but it wasn't his teams, but hers. His main priority would be the crew, and the pilots were just that.

"If, of course, Tokyo has power for the Transporters."

"Only one way to find out," Chisato remarked as she reached up and tapped her combadge. =A=Away team to Ops; do we have enough power for a site to site transport? We've got...=A= -she squinted to try and get a closer look, though it was still hard to tell at this distance- =A=...Five, maybe six pilots on top of the main saucer section?=A=

From the Ops station, Nezuko's fingers dashed across the console. They would need to sacrifice a few systems for a moment -- and some of those might not come back right away -- but they had power for the Transporter.

And as ordered, a site-to-site transport took place.

“We’re going in.” Jesse said, nodding to the open door. “We’ll have the vessel cleared and checked in 10 mikes, sir. We’ll give the all clear on comms.” He looked back to his teams. “Let’s go.”

The Security team moved on ahead, staying in their formations until they had disappeared inside the Endeavour.

To be continued...


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