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A Rather Complicated Family Dynamic

Posted on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 3:27am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Major Chiyo Shimada

1,129 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Part 2 of 'Chiyo Shimada: Emotionally Compromised?'

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo:

"However..." Taiga said. "I put that behind me. I decided a long time ago that I didn't need people like that in my life. I wanted to be happy, and I deserved to be happy. Thats brought me to where I am today. In command of a highly advanced starship, married to the man I adore and love, and now creating our own family." She paused for a brief moment. "Why not give that a try?"

"You don't think I'd love nothing more than to say 'fuck the universe; the Shimada Family is here to stay?'" Chiyo asked. "Of course, I would! But if I'm going to make it work, then either Jasad must go or I must go, and I certainly do not intend to go."

Taiga shook her head. "I'm not going to choose between you," she said simply. "You're both valuable members of this crew and you both have skills that this ship needs." She explained to her softly. "You're going to have to either work this out Chiyo or let it 'blow over'" she said.

And now, the continuation:

"Also, I don't think its the best idea you go on that away mission." She added.

"What are you talking about?" Chiyo asked. "Need I remind you, I've bested the Borg before. No disrespect, but without me, you're practically marching those men and women to their deaths!"

"Chiyo..." Taiga said softly. "Its not your experience that I'm questioning." She told her. "Look at it this way. You've been having some emotional and personal troubles. You can be described as emotionally compromised. They are affecting your judgement, that was evident from your outburst in the briefing. We can't riak that happening on that Borg Ship." Taiga took a long pause. "Plus its dangerous and with Tatsuo going, if something goes wrong, I'm not going to be that person who has to explain that I sent her mother and recently un-deceased father on a Borg Ship, knowing there was something wrong."

"Wait, what?" Chiyo asked. "When did he volunteer?"

"Not long after the briefing. He shares similar concerns about some of the officers on this ship. He didn't feel like speaking up in the briefing after what happened..." Taiga said to her. "He's been on this planet longer, he knows the territory better."

Taiga sat up a little straighter. "But, instead of going over there I have something else I want you to do." She told her softly. "I'm taking you off of active duty. I want you to work with Counsellor Johnson. You have bigger fish to fry right now. You've got a family to rebuild. This must be hard not only on you, but also Tatsuo and Alice. She can help you rebuild those bridges, get your thoughts back into order." Taiga told her. "I'm doing this for your own good Chiyo. I need you back to your old self, level headed, dedicated and stable. Once Counsellor Johnson is happy with you, then we will talk about you resuming your duties. Until then, you need to take the time to do some personal care."

"Captain, I appreciate the gesture." Chiyo said. "However, I don't think now is the best time to leave the marines to Captain Beurling."

"You're going to have to elaborate..." Taiga said in response.

"I didn't get a chance to mention this at the briefing, but..." Chiyo sighed. "One night about a month ago, when Tatsuo was concerned about a gap in our perimeter sensors, Tatsuo was out late, and he told me that it took him a long time to get a faulty sensor back online. However, what really happened that night is that Liz... Captain Beurling, took him to her quarters and... There's really no way to sugarcoat it without coming out and saying it: She fucked him."

Chiyo slumped over slightly, almost ashamed to say what was next.

"Well, earlier this morning, Captain Beurling came to me, and, in addition to telling me what I've just told you about the truth of what happened that night, she also revealed to me that she had recently found out that she was pregnant." Chiyo drew in a deep breath. "I haven't spoken with Tatsuo about it yet, but I know that child must be his..."

Taiga facepalmed and fell silent for a good few seconds as she processed the information. "So, what you're telling me is that the Marine Executive Officer of this ship grabbed Lieutenant Shimada... your partner, the father to Alice and got pregnant by him?" Taiga asked rhetorically, summing up what Chiyo had just told her. "Does this not bother you at all? Isn't he meant to be with you? And Captain Beurling is your best friend is she not?"

"She is:" Chiyo admitted. "She's my sister in arms, but she's made it clear to me that she's harbored romantic feelings for Tatsuo. I just didn't think she'd betray my trust this way..."

"Fantastic..." Taiga said sarcastically as she sat back and slumped down. "This is not what we need right now! Its bad enough we already have three expecting officers, myself included. But now a fourth, in this situation!" she said her frustration coming through. "And not to mention its affecting you mentally..."

She pushed herself up and rose to her feet. She began to pace up and down for a few tense silent moments. "Ok. I will have sickbay confirm the pregnancy of Captain Buerling, and determine if Tatsuo is the father. I want you to remain on light duties, admin and desk work only until all this gets sorted out and I still want you all to meet with Counsellor Johnson. You, Tatsuo, Alice and now Buerling." she said simply. "This could get out of hand very quickly."

"Understood, Captain:" Chiyo nodded. "I was about to recommend 1st Lieutenant Rudd for promotion if you needed someone to take over my duties as Marine Commander immediately. But if light duty will suffice, then there's no need for that."

"Thats an option we might have to consider, depending on the Counsellor's evaluation." Taiga said. "Right now, I want you to go to your quarters and explain this to Alice. She has the right to know whats going on."

Chiyo nodded and stood up. "If that is all, Captain?"

Taiga nodded. "Yes. I'm trusting that you take what I said and do the right thing." She said. "Dismissed Major."

Nodding, Chiyo took her leave. She wasn't quite sure how she was going to tell Alice about all this, as her head was still spinning from Liz's revelation, but orders were orders...

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Second Officer
USS Tokyo


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