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Major Changes

Posted on Fri Apr 28th, 2023 @ 3:51am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Captain Taiga Aisaka

1,295 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Ready Room

Now that the Tokyo was well underway to the H'Atoria system, Taiga had a few things she needed to get sorted out when it came down to the crew. One person she needed to talk to was the Marine Commanding Officer, Captain Chiyo Shimada.

"Captain Shimada. Report to my ready room," Taiga said tapping her comm badge.

"Understood. I'm on my way." Chiyo responded before tapping her combadge again to change frequencies. "Shimada to Beurling: You have the fort."

From her office on deck 16, Chiyo had to take the nearest turbolift up to deck 14, before changing turbolifts to take up to deck 10 before finally taking the last turbolift to the bridge.

Stepping off the turbolift, Chiyo made her way to the ready room door and pressed the chime, waiting to be let in.

"Enter" Taiga called simply. She logged off her computer console and turned her attention to the door.

The doors swooshed open and Chiyo stepped through. She stopped just inside and stood at attention as the doors swooshed shut behind her.

"You wanted to see me, ma'am?" She asked.

"Indeed I do," Taiga stated simply. She indicated for her to take a seat. "Can I get you a drink Captain?" she asked as she stood up and moved over to the replicator.

"I'll take some Calpis juice if you're offering." Chiyo responded as she assumed the motioned seat. "Original, please."

Nodding the Captain replicated herself a cup of green tea and a glass of Calpis juice. Gently she placed the juice down in front of the Marine Captain and then took a seat behind the desk. "So, tell me Chiyo. How have you been? Hows Alice doing?"

"Well, I've been recovering nicely from that Tal Shiar bastard shooting me." Chiyo said, taking a sip of the citrusy beverage. "Alice is carrying on. Her RPG campaign is getting going again. She's really happy to be back at it after placing it on hold since many of her regulars didn't come to Risa with her."

"I must admit, I'm a little nervous that we're being assigned to the H'atoria sector." Chiyo admitted after another sip of her beverage. "Not sure how much you know about it, but H'atoria was the last sector the USS Redemption was assigned to before she was lost with all hands. I don't blame you for not knowing this, but a person very important to me was on board that ship."

"Your husband was assigned to the Redemption, Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada." Taiga stated simply. "I've been reading into your Starfleet file recently". She took a sip of her tea and then placed it gently down on the desk.

"Fiancé;" Chiyo corrected. "We never had the chance to tie the knot. Tatsuo popped the question to me before his shore leave was about to expire, and he said we'd be married when he got back. Redemption was a Nova class that didn't allow families on board for the civilians' safety. I only carry Tatsuo's name because I don't believe for a second he's actually dead."

"I hope that since you've been reading my Starfleet file more closely, my earlier piece of advice to you makes more sense now." Chiyo said, harkening back to what she had said back when she had first reported in.

"I see. Thats a good attitude to have. Sorry that I naturally presumed..." Taiga paused for a brief moment. "And I have been looking through the files of many personnel aboard the Tokyo. I have decided that it is time I became closer to the crew, especially those who have been through hell and back with me as their commander."

"However, there is a specific reason I have called you here today," Taiga told her simply. "Due to recent developments, I have decided that you would be a good candidate for the position of Second Officer of this ship." Once again she paused for a few moments.

"The position would include additional bridge and command duties. You would still retain your position as the Marine Commanding Officer. You would be classed as the Third in command of the ship after Myself and Commander Johnson. The position is yours should you want to take that step?"

"Captain, It would be an honor to serve as your Second Officer." Chiyo said without hesitation. "It will be a decision you won't live to regret."

"I thought you would say that" Taiga said. She reached down and opened one of the drawers in the desk. Reaching inside she retrieved a small green velvet coated box. She placed it down on the desk and pushed it over towards Chiyo. "Then, as of now I will be placing you into the chain of command as this ships Second Officer. Plus, you'll need a change of rank pips."

Chiyo took the box and opened it, and nested inside was a brand new Major rank pip.

"I shall wear this new rank pip with the dignity befitting of a Major." Chiyo stated, standing and saluting Taiga. "It's been a pleasure to learn and grow under your leadership. Thank you for recognizing my contribution with this promotion. I look forward to continue working together."

"Good. Now. Sit" Taiga said simply. "Its about time that I brought you upto speed about something."

Nodding, Chiyo sat back down and began changing out her rank pips from Captain to Major.

"I'm going to make this really simple" Taiga began. "What I am about to tell you does not leave this room. But now as the ships second officer, you need to know," Taiga told her strictly. She paused for a few moment. "You should be aware that I have recently found to be pregnant Major. This may affect your duties as when I have this baby, you will be temporarily the Exec whilst I am on maternity leave. This gives you nine months to train up to those standards..."

"Plus;" Taiga added. "I am asking the same that I asked Commander Johnson. There will be times that I will be more of an asshole than usual, therefore I want you to understand why and help me keep this baby safe."

Chiyo smiled.

"Congratulations, Captain." She said, taking a sip of her Calpis. "As a mother myself, I know a few methods of keeping children safe. If you ever need anything from a fellow mother, my door is always open. I'd rather you not wake me out of a sound sleep, but I'd be happy to dispense parenting wisdom for you. I do have almost 14 years of experience in that field, after all."

"I'll be counting on you." Taiga said. "You being a mother was also another factor as to why both Commander Johnson and I decided you'd be best for the job." she told her softly.

"Now, I want you to make sure that our marines are top notch. I want them trained and ready for anything. There's a high chance that we'll be needing them sooner than later..." Taiga sighed. "So, have them trained up and ready to go."

"You can count on me, ma'am." Chiyo said. "I'll have them in a shape so good, they haven't invented a word for it yet."

Taiga nodded simply. "Well then, if there isn't anything else. Congratulations Major, and by all meand dismissed."

"Thank you, ma'am." Chiyo nodded, standing up. "Though before I go, my first piece of wisdom to you is; you'd better buckle up, because morning sickness is a bitch: Easily one of the worst parts of pregnancy aside from childbirth."

A smile spread across Taiga's face. "I'll take that to mind. Although I intend to enjoy every moment of this miracle."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Second Officer


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