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Surprise news

Posted on Sat May 6th, 2023 @ 1:27am by Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Commander Thomas Johnson

1,009 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Quarters
Timeline: Prior to events on the bridge

Lunchtime had come all too soon, having made lunch arrangements with Thomas already it was the perfect time for Talia to tell him her news. She just hoped he’d take it well.

Arriving home she set about getting them a quick meal, given the time they had something replicated would have to do. Setting out a meal on the table she waited for Thomas to arrive.

With the captains news, he was happy for her, they had just gotten married, and starting a family. Someday he had hoped that Talia and he would start one as well. Walking into their quarters, he noticed table was set, and she was waiting.

"Uh oh, what did i do... or you do..."

“Is it that easy to tell?” Talia gave Thomas a wry smile as she stood up to greet him. “It’s something we did actually” She paused for a moment. “Tom I’m...pregnant. Three weeks so the Doctor tells me.”

"Pregnant... Wow..." He paused a moment.

Talia gave Thomas a worried look. “I should be able to read you, but my own emotions are in the way right now. Please tell me what you’re feeling.”

"Honestly its surreal. Going from a bachelor only thinking about a career, to going to husband and dad to be in a matter of four weeks." He paused, and looked at her. "However, I wouldn't have it any other way." Smiling, as he reached out for her hands. "Although I was hoping for more us time followed by a bit more practicing."

Talia grinned relieved that Thomas was happy. She took his hands before hugging him. “I was so afraid that you’d be unhappy! As for practicing...” She kissed him with passion before pulling back. “We can still spend as much time making love as you want! Though it may require some creativity a few months down the line from now.”

"Good, because I like the practicing. Over, and over and over again."

Talia couldn’t help but grin. “I’m glad, because I like all that practicing a lot too. You know what they say practice makes perfect!” She smiled. “Just promise me one thing, that you won’t pass me over for away party duty simply because I’m pregnant.”

"If there is danger, counsellors are not usually the ones to go over... but we will see when the time comes."

“That’s fine, I’m not asking for preferential treatment.” Talia smiled. “I know once I reach the third trimester that I’ll most likely end up lassoed to the ship, I just don’t want to get left behind if it’s safe, and there’s something that requires my speciality as Counsellor.”

"I promise you wont get left out." He assured her. "Lets eat before everything gets cold."

Talia nodded. “Agreed, I’m starving! I guess I know now why I’ve been so hungry lately. I’m eating for two now.” She grinned.

"Or two, or three, or four..." He quipped.

“Ohh Heavens! How on Earth would anyone manage that many babies all at once?” Talia grinned a wry grin. “That would be a challenge and a half!”

"I agree... luckily there are no multiples in my family."

“Or mine, but I guess there’s always a possibility with any pregnancy” Talia smiled as she put her food out on her plate. “Tell me more about your family, what are they like?”

"All big career oriented. Brother is married and in command of the USS Iroquois. Several kids. Though it was thought he would not be tied down."

“Well it sounds like he’s surprised you all” Talia smiled. “We didn’t get chance to talk about kids, I didn’t want to appear too eager. I guess now is as good a time as any, were you wanting us to have kids in the future?”

"Honestly, focusing on the career for most of the time, it wasn’t something I actually gave a great deal of thought." He paused, "When I was younger, I always figured I would be one."

Talia nodded. “So you’re okay with this? Truly okay?” She gave Thomas a concerned look.

"Why wouldn't I be? I am one that takes things as they are given, and happy with whatever shows. Becoming a father, is not a negative thing. But a positive one."

Talia smiled and let out a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding. “Then I’m excited, thrilled, and about a whole lot of other emotions all mixed up together!”

"Excellent." Thomas replied as he took a bite, "'You take care of the nursery..."

Talia grinned and nodded. “I’ve already got a few ideas on that, I’m going to need to pick up a few supplies.”

"Very well, i will let you surprise me with that."

“I’ll do my best” Talia smiled before taking a bite of her food.

Thomas smirked, "Can you guess what I want for desert?"

Talia grinned a wry grin. “Ohh I think I can...” she pushed out her chair before walking around to Thomas, holding out her hands for him to take.

"Read my mind eh." He replied with a smile, taking her hand. "Lets have desert here at the table." He brought her close, and lifted her up on the table.

Talia grinned. “Feeling frisky this evening are we?” She slipped her arms around his neck and closed the distance to give him a very long and passionate kiss.

"What can I say," He replied, as he kissed her and started undressing her, "You do have that effect."

“I’m glad that I do.” Talia returned the favour as she nimbly started helping Thomas out of his clothing as well.

Thomas kissed her again, as he took the last item off her, and spread her legs. Slowly kissing her body as he made his way down.

Talia smiled as she sighed with pleasure, this was going to be the most enjoyable desert she’d ever had.



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