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Assisting for 9 Months.

Posted on Wed Apr 19th, 2023 @ 11:51pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson

985 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: After Taiga visited sickbay and the TIC

After visiting sickbay, Taiga made her way back to her ready room. The news that Doctor Febin had given her had hit her hard. However it was news that needed to be discussed, especially with her new first officer. She was going to have to rely on him more than a Captain would usually rely on their first officer.

"Aisaka to Johnson. Can you join me in my ready room." She said as she tapped her comm badge. She leant back in her chair, allowing her legs to swing freely as she waited for him to arrive.

Thomas had been going over the tactical systems that had been upgraded, just the overall scan. Making sure the update was good. It was out of habit... being in the position so long it was hard to break. What he had found was that the Lt had made even more improvements. Bringing the accuracy of the scanners up an additional .02

Upon hearing his name, he walked over to the ready room, and seeing as she was expecting him, he walked in. "Captain."

Taiga motioned to the seat in front of the desk. "Take a seat Commander" she told him softly.

"I take it something has happened?" Thomas replied as he took the offered seat.

"Indeed" Taiga said with a small smile. "I wanted to let you know Commander that I will need to be relying on you more than ever over the next few months. More than a normal Captain would rely on their first officer" she explained to him softly. Normally she wouldn't be asking this of her exec, especially a new one but she needed to let him know she was about to go through many changes.

"A starfleet Captain being normal... that would be a first." He replied as he smirked, which quickly dissipated. "Understood, Captain... might I request a reason why you feel its going to be needed."

Taiga sighed as she looked away for a brief moment. "Well Commander, it would seem that I am currently in delicate condition. So for the next nine months I'm going to be needing my right hand more than usual..." Gently she placed a single hand on her belly, before looking back at the commander.

Realizing the 'nine months' remark. "Congratulations Captain. I will make sure I'll be available."

Nodding Taiga looked back at him. "Thankyou Commander. At the moment only my husband, the chief medical officer and yourself know about this. I would like to keep it that way until we are ready to announce it." she told him. She didn't want for the crew to find out just yet. No doubt there would be rumours at her and Ryuuji's 'activities' on Risa. Not to mention she didn't want the crew to think she was weak or unable to do her job.

"It is not of my habit to blabber such news to the crew. However, you may wish to talk to the Chief counsellor... I hear hormonal changes can present early in pregnancies, and affect moods and choices."

"Thats is exactly why I wnated to make you aware of this change. I understand that this is your first run as an XO, and I'm going to be honest with you," she paused for a moment. "Because this will be screwing me up hormonally, there's going to be times that I might be more of a bitch than usual. So I want to apologise in advance for when that happens. Also, I will be needing you to ensure that I don't do anything bloody stupid."

"Thats my duty whether you are pregnant or not."

"Yes, I know" Taiga responded. "However, I lost my first baby due to being stupid once and I don't want a repeat of that." She ran a hand over her belly and looked down for a few seconds. "This us what I've wanted for a very long time, and I don't know if I gave another chance. Its very special to me and I just need reassurance that you're going to be able to help me protect it." She bowed her head slightly, the pain of losing her first baby was still very present in her mind and her every day thoughts. But she knew that now was a time to change, to get back to being positive.

"You have my word Captain. If you want I can put you off duty for the next nine months and just take command right now."

Taiga scowled at her first officer. "I'm pregnant, not delusional. I can still command this ship." She told him. "However, you may find yourself in command eventually once this baby decides to make an appearance."

"I will be ready. Congratulations."

A small smile emerged on Taiga's face. "Thankyou Commander." she said in response. "At the moment, this is to stay hush hush. I will reveal this to the crew when I am ready. We have a lot of work to do to get this ship out by tomorrow." she told him simply.

Leaning back in the chair slightly she let out a sigh of relief. She was glad to finally have an Exec who could understand and work with her. Over the last several years of commanding the Tokyo she had had nothing but trouble when it came to Executive Officers. "Anything else we need to discuss?" she asked softly.

"At the moment, none..."

"Ok then" Taiga said. "Well in that case, thankyou for understanding. Dismissed Commander" Taiga told him softly. Once the commander had left she sat back in her chair and stared at the wall for a few seconds, the thoughts in her mind swirled and danced like oil in water. She only hoped that this was the right decision for her, and that she could still be the captain she knew she could be.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer


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