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Wayward Children and Punishment

Posted on Thu Mar 16th, 2023 @ 10:06am by Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr

1,314 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa Beach
Timeline: Early Morning

Vespertine was having a wonderful dream but somewhere in the background. She instantly came awake and reached over to her combadge and tapped it =^=Sergeant Major G'hter here=^= she replied. =^=Kerka Euon of the Risan security force ma'am. I am sorry to disturb you, but my orders were to contact you first should any marine enlisted or NCO's from the USS Tokyo be arrested and placed in holding. =^= Vesper sighed and looked at the clock in her room; 03:37. =^=That is correct, I will be there shortly. In the meantime, keep them separate from others and do not notify Starfleet Security. =^= =^=Understood Sergeant Major, per my orders I have done exactly that. I will be expecting you shortly. =^= Vespertine rolled out of her bed, slide on a pair of marine workout shorts, her SFFMC Force Recon Instructor Workout T-shirt and then some comfortable workout shoes. She hit her combadge =^=Vesper to Aren, get your lazy but up out of bed and into some physical fitness clothes. We are going to go pick up some wayward children. =^= Gunnery Sergeant Aren Na Eth snorted and replied =^=Meet you in the lobby in five. =^= Vespertine went down to the lobby of the resort and fixed two large cups of coffee and requested a hoover car with driver. Gunny Eth appeared in the lobby dressed similar to Vespertine, with the exception his workout shirt was a SFMC Ranger Instructor, grabbed the coffee without speaking. Vespertine nodded and said, "Let's go." with that they stepped out and got into the hoover car. "Where to?" inquired the driver. "The Risian holding facilities." replied Vespertine. The one-mile journey to the facility was ridden in silence with only the sipping of Vesper and Eth breaking the silence. Upon the arrival at the facility Vesper and Aren got out, "Thank you, your services are no longer required." said Vespertine to the driver.

She and Aren then walked up the steps to the holding facility and entered. Sitting behind a reception desk a young Risian female looked up at the two beings "May I help you?" she inquired. "Yes, is Officer Kerka Euon here." replied Vespertine. "Yes" replied the young Risian, and she hit a concealed button, "Guest here to see you sir." A couple seconds later a mature Risian stepped out of a doorway and looked at Vespertine and Aren "Sergeant Major G'hter and?" he inquired. Vespertine stepped forward "I am Sergeant G'hter and this is Gunnery Sergeant Eth. I understand you brought some marines in this evening or more accurately this morning?"

"That is correct Sergeant Major, twelve marines were detained for fighting at the Green Oyster Bar and Grill. "Did they start it?" inquired Vesper. "The video evidence is inconclusive. It did show a human male grab a human female by the shoulder, then her grabbing the man's arm and flipping him to the floor by the bar. After that the place explodes in a furious melee." Vesper sighed, "Okay take the damages and fines out of my account. Please take us to them." With that the three walked through the door where Euon came through. It was a hallway with several doors with a heavy metal door at the end. The walked up to this door and entered. Inside was a modern security holding facility three cells to each side. The walked all the way to the last cell on the left. "All right you bunch of Larva get up and form up now." bellowed Gunnery Sergeant Aren Na Eth; Officer Kerka Euon jumped at Eth's bellowing as well as the twelve beings lying in the holding cell. One of the marines in the holding cell, a human female got up and inquired "Just who the hell do you think you are?" Eth smiled a wicked smile "I am your bloody worst nightmare, here to introduce you to an even scarier nightmare. I am Gunnery Sergeant Aren Na Eth, next to me is Sergeant Major Vespertine G'hter. We are the newly assigned NCO's of the USS Tokyo. I am the new Platoon Sergeant for the headquarters Platoon and Sergeant Major G'hter is the new First Sergeant. Now form your Larva ass's up." The twelve marines jumped to a look of terror suddenly paling some of the younger marines. They formed two ranks of six marines each, standing at perfect attention.

Once Vespertine was satisfied she turned to Officer Euon "Please lower the force field." Officer Euon lowered the field and Vespertine walked into the cell with Gunnery Sergeant Eth. "Dress Right, DRESS" bellowed Eth and the twelve marines performed the command. "Ready, FRONT" bellowed Eth, and again the marines complied. "Open Ranks, March" bellowed Eth, and the marines complied. Gunnery Sergeant Eth turned to Sergeant Major Vespertine "First Sergeant the squad of marines are ready for your inspection." Vespertine nodded and stepped forward to the first marine, the one who had spoken out earlier, "Rank, name and specialty." Vespertine snapped. “Staff Sergeant Petra Silika, scout sniper; First Sergeant." Vespertine looked her up and down then stepped to the next marine an Andorian "Sergeant Keval ch’Xinya, scout sniper; First Sergeant." again Vesper looked him up and down. Gunnery Sergeant Eth walked next to Vespertine, PaDD in one hand and making notes on it. Vespertine stepped up to a female Klingon "Sergeant Valkra Bellde'side, demolitions; First Sergeant." she growled. Vespertine just looked straight into the Klingons eyes with no fear. She stepped over to the next individual, a human male “Lance Corporal Ingran Cyr, rifleman; First Sergeant.” Again Vespertine repeated her process of inspection. Another human male was next in line “Private First Class Rothwell Morder, rifleman; First Sergeant.” Vesper stepped over to another human, this one a female “Private Rebecca Johnson, communications specialist; First Sergeant.” Vespertine again looked the marine over.

Vespertine made her way to the second row and repeated the process. The first was a Bolian male “Sergeant Zaige Orohino, heavy weapons; First Sergeant.” Vesper moved to a human female “Corporal Cheryl Sanagorski, tactical air control party, First Sergeant.” Again, Vespertine and Aren moved to the next human male in line “Corporal Justin Drawbaugh, heavy weapons; First Sergeant.” Next in line was another human male “Private First Class Michel Gordon, rifleman; First Sergeant.” Vespertine stepped over to an Andorian female “Private Reika zh’Wann, demolitions and heavy weapons; First Sergeant.” Here Vespertine stopped and looked at Aren, “Busted down twice for brawling in public.” He replied. Vespertine looked back at Private zh’Wann “Like to fight do you?” she inquired. “Only in self-defense or when ordered First Sergeant. The two times I was busted was because Fleeter Security got involved in the brawls and I accidently hurt a couple of them. ”Vespertine nodded “Well that ends as of today; UNDERSTOOD PRIVATE?” Vespertine’s voice was as cold as death and implied the consequences would be worse than death, all the marines being inspected stood a little straighter at the tone of the new First Sergeants voice. The marines instinctively knew that the new First Sergeant and Gunnery Sergeant were not individuals to trifle with. Private zh’Wann swallowed and replied “Crystal clear, First Sergeant. “Finally Vespertine stepped in front of a female human, she was as pale as a ghost “Private Stephenie Waldrep, administrative clerk; First Sergeant.” She said in a cracking voice.

Vespertine turned to Gunnery Sergeant Eth, “Take these larva outside and prepare them for the mile run back to the hotel.” “Aye, First Sergeant” replied Gunnery Sergeant Eth, a gleam in his eyes. Vespertine walked over to Kerka Euon, as in the background she could hear the marines being ordered by Eth to get their lazy ass outside and in formation. “Okay, thank you for your assistance; also thank Endara Solani for me.” With that Vespertine hurried outside to gather up her wayward children.


Posting by:

Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr
First Sergeant


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