Tour - Tactical Information Center

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The USS Tokyo's Starfighter Control Center.

Additional Information

Location Deck 15
Description The Tactical Information Center or TIC is essentially a Control Tower for all Fighters and acts like a Tactical Information Center. The Air Boss co-ordinates the operations center. The Commanding Officer of the ship will issue an order regarding the fighters to Starfighter Operations and then those orders are relayed through Starfighter Operations to the fighter craft.

The TIC is in control of all Auxiliary Craft movement, including shuttles, starfighters and work bees. TIC acts as an air space control tower for surroung space and will co-ordinate all auxiliary craft in battle and whilst launching/docking.

If the bridge is destroyed or heabily damaged the TIC can be switched into a different computer mode enabling it to act as a secondary bridge and command center. This room is heavily armed and guarded at all times.