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Sun Oct 17th, 2021 @ 9:37am

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger

Name Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

Position Squadron Leader

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 6"1'
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Soren is a well built pilot with several scars and tattoos, each with a story behind them. His legs were replaced by two cybernetic implants which begin at his thighs and go down to his feet. These legs provide proper balance and power which contribute to running, jumping, and making his kicking highly dangerous.


Father Former Captain Conrad Dillinger
Mother Former Intelligence Agent Diana Dillinger
Other Family Paige - Albino Ferret

Personal Fighter: Bettie - A Valkyrie Class Fighter that has been personally modified by Soren and a close friend (Marion Kent) from time to time. It has the same color and appearance as any other fighter of if kind with a few subtle differences. Under the cockpit window are inscribed the words Lt. Soren 'Speedy' Dillinger. Next to the name is a picture of Bettie Mae Page, sitting down with her legs crossed and her hands behind her back, holding her self up. Under the picture is inscribed The True Queen Of Hearts - Bettie Mae Page

The Fighter itself has been modified to increase its speed, slightly increased weapons, shields, and a cloaking device that works for a limited period and doesn't allow shields or weapons to be fired while activated. The fighter itself has a personalized virtual intelligence system that responses to Bettie. Bettie is very flirtatious and when projected by a portable holo-projector that Soren carries is often seen in a skimpy outfit or swim wear.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Soren is a top notch pilot, ranking Top Gun, but he doesn't stand behind it. He knows that's not all he is and he doesn't let it go to his head. He knows his legs give him an advantage, allowing him to withstand more force and navigate at a faster speed than most pilots can withstand. Soren is often seen as a daredevil and risk taker. He will often do something dangerous and drastic in order to see to it that something gets done.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Soren is athletic. Trained in several Mixed Martial Arts. Before his accident he held the MMA Championship for Starfleet Flight Academy for three years. He is also proficient in Free Running and Parkour. Soren is also trained in archery and bladed weapons, both foreign and domestic (I.E. Earth and Alien). He is also a skilled driver. He finds his reflexes and intuition in the cockpit work well in wheeled vehicles. (Cars, Motorcycles, ETC). Soren has developed a small reputation for making devices in that serve one, if not several functions. His crowning achievement is Bettie, which he commonly refers to as B. She's acts as a companion and assistant who takes the place of a co-pilot. Secretly, its his way of having dealt with the lose of his late co-pilot and making sure he doesn't go through losing one again. She is a close to him as anyone else is, in his line of work, and seems to be the only one he constantly trusts. Soren is well versed in comic books, movies, and old tv shows. Because of this he has developed a bit of a Robin Hood Complex. Soren is very good at disguising himself, not only his looks but also his voice.

Weaknesses: Soren doesn't like hand held firearms. He finds he isn't as efficient with them as he is with a blade. He also finds himself slipping out of control during a fight. Feeling as if he lost all control of his own body and is just an observer for a limited time. He tries to avoid this as much as possible, more so with his legs being as strong as they are. Soren is known to take risks and often finds himself not thinking before a dangerous situation. Acting on instinct and impulse instead of thinking it through. Soren has yet to meet a rule he wouldn't break if the situation calls for it.
Ambitions To have a family. Settle down and retire. Becomes a flight instructor.
Hobbies & Interests Various Music, Comics, Movies, Books, Old TV Shows, Drinking, Card Games, Sleight of Hand tricks, Pickpocket, Lock-picking, Martial Arts, Bladed Weapons, Archery

Personal History Soren Dillinger grew up in a good family and good home. His goal was to become a top pilot in Starfleet and break several records in the process, but everything changed for him after he was involved in an accident involving himself and his co-pilot, a Betazoid named Tammi Grace, who he was close to. After that came a series of events that led to his discharge and turning his back on everything Starfleet.

After the accident, he was forced to undergo surgery in order to replace his legs. His family spent a lot a money and pulled a lot of strings in order to get him back on his feet, but they were surprised when Soren began to do down a dark path after the accident. He was still the best pilot, but now he was smuggling contraband and stealing things. Risking his life all because he could. It didn’t take long before he began to hang around the wrong kind of people and suddenly left without a word. It was the last his family ever saw of him.

For the last couple of years, or so, Soren has been involved in a number of heists and smuggling operations. Usually he’s the inside man, usually he’s the getaway pilot, but always part of the planning process. His attention for detail is what helped bring most of the players together and he always made a habit of being prepared for every outcome. This tactic worked well for him for a while, until one of his usual associates set him up to take the fall. Planting evidence which pointed to Soren and ensuring he had no solid alibi to stand behind. It was then after a series of cunning escapes and close calls that he was finally captured and brought to Earth in order to stand trial. During his trial, with the unknowing add of his father, Soren was given the choice of going to jail or reinstatement into Starfleet. Seeing as he was in a corner, He agreed, and was brought back to Starfleet under Intelligence.
Service Record Starfleet Academy
Advanced Operations/Engineering Course
USS Calypso (Flight Squad Pilot)
USS Shadow (Flight Squad Pilot – Flight Squad Lead)
USS Prometheus (Flight Squad Lead)
-Removed from active duty due to accident
-Spent a year in a special rehabilitation center
Official declared as ‘Dereliction of Duty’ and is to be apprehended on sight due to being considered a suspect in a series of crimes.
USS Tokyo (Chief of Intelligence/???????)

Notable Titles
Top Gun Status
3 time Starfleet Academy MMA Title Champion
Ranked 2nd Best Pilot in his Graduating Class
Starfleet Flight Cross Ribbon/Metal
Starfleet Combat Action Ribbon/Metal
Purple Heart Metal