
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 3:27pm

Chief Petty Officer Jonathan McHowle

Name Jonathan H McHowle

Position Flight Deck Crew Chief

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Callisian
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 165 lbs.
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Tall and well-built, he carries himself with an easy charisma that makes him stand out in any crowd. Topped with a mop of blonde hair and enough stubble to almost call a beard, he casts a handsome facade. He usually wears a goldenrod flight deck jumpsuit, even when off duty, though when it's cold he'll add a standard-issue white bomber coat.


Relationship Status Single
Spouse/Partner N/A
Children N/A
Father Malcolm McHowle (Adopted)
Mother Joanna Callister-McHowle (Adopted)
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Confident and outgoing, Jonathan is a joyful and bright kind of guy. Seemingly naive and childish at times, he meets every challenge with optimism and a can-do attitude. He does hide a number of insecurities about himself and his place in the wider universe thanks to his issues with his past, but he doesn't let a little baggage hold him back.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Confident
+ Skilled Mechanic
+ Highl;y Charismatic

- A bit too naive at times
- Overly optimistic to the point of getting him into trouble
- Baggage from his past

Ambitions He wants to learn about where he came from and then find a place where he belongs.
Hobbies & Interests Western novels, gunsmithing, tinkering, model building

Personal History Jonathan was found as an infant at the Elon Musk Home for Children on the planet of Mars in the Musk Crater region. He had no identification and DNA testing only confirmed that he was half human, the other half was unknown. He was given the name Jonathan and taken in to be raised with the other children.

He would spend the first years of his childhood there, he would learn to crawl and to walk, to read and to write, all without really knowing who he was.

When he was around 6 years old a kind elderly couple, who had never had children of their own, came to the house and adopted him, taking him from there and into their home. He became Jonathan McHowle then.

He had a relatively normal childhood from then on, though he never seemed to mature emotionally like others did. He never lost a sense of optimism and positive outlook. Doctors said his brain was producing levels of dopamine higher than a human and that was the cause, though they could only guess why it was happening.

When he was old enough he enrolled in college for machine engineering and shortly after college, he enrolled in Starfleet Enlisted Corps Academy, feeling a need to get out into space sooner.

He would complete his training with high marks and for the next several years work on engineering teams before settling into working on the flight deck of a carrier maintaining a number of shuttles and fighters. He enjoyed the work and liked the challenge of putting the ships back together, stronger and tougher than before. He would eventually get promoted and find himself being transferred to look after a new flight deck, the USS Tokyo
Service Record 2377-2381 Musk University [Mechanical Engineering]
2382-2382 Starfleet Enlisted Corps Academy 8-week training program
2382-2384 USS Kavner [Crewman Recruit - Damage Control Team C]
2384-2384 USS Kavner [Crewman 3rd Class - Damage Control Team C]
2384-2385 USS Cartwright [Crewman 2nd Class - Engineering Support Team Beta]
2385-2385 USS Cartwright [Crewman 1st Class - Engineering Support Team Beta]
2385-2386 USS Smith [Petty Officer 3rd Class - Junior Flight Deck Maintenance Engineer]
2385-2386 USS Smith [Petty Officer 2nd Class - Flight Deck Maintenance Engineer]
2386-2388 USS Castellaneta [Petty Officer 1st Class - Flight Deck Maintenance Engineer]
2388-2390 USS Castellaneta [Petty Officer 1st Class - Flight Deck Deputy Crew Chief]
2390-2393 USS Castellaneta [Chief Petty Officer - Flight Deck Crew Chief]
2393-???? USS Tokyo [Chief Petty Officer - Flight Deck Crew Chief]