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Two Captain's, Four Friends - Plus One

Posted on Wed Aug 21st, 2024 @ 4:51am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Yusaka Kitamura

1,085 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: USS Tokyo Ready Room.

As the Tokyo was being towed away from the planet there was a some business that Taiga had to take care of. Most of the Tokyo's primary systems had been brought back online and Taiga sat in her ready room looking out at the Nebula.

Her nebula-gazing was cut off as the chime on her door rang. She was expecting a visitor. She rose from her spot on the couch to stand. "Come in."

In through the doors walked Captain Yusaka Kitamura. He was just as tall as Ryuuji and still wore his signature glasses. "Taiga." He said with a smile as he approached her. He hesitated for a second on noticing her pregnant belly. "You've been busy, in more ways than one it seems," he smirked.

Taiga blushed. "You could say that yeah..."

Yusaka wasted no time in striding over and pulling the much shorter Taiga into a tight hug. "Thank goodness you're all safe." He said. Taiga couldn't help but safe. Yusaka Kitamura had been a good and close friend since their meeting at Starfleet Academy. He had also been Ryuuji's best man at their wedding. "Honestly, don't go worrying us like that again. Oh and you should probably contact Minori too. She wanted to join the search, but the Armitage is currently on another mission right now." He told her. Finally he released her and took a step back.

Taiga could see that tears of relief had formed in his eyes. But he couldn't help but beam at Taiga. "So then? How far are you along?" He asked.

"Twenty weeks right now." Taiga said as she ran her hands over her bump. "It's really starting to get big now."

"Well congratulations Taiga. How is Ryuuji doing?" Yusaka asked.

"Oh you know him. Fussing over everything. He's probably cleaning something somewhere," she laughed.

Yusaka couldn't help but join in. "Still a clean freak then." He paused. "I'm so happy that you're both safe. Starfleet was about to declare you lost with all hands. But here you are, alive, with more 'hands' and more on the way!"

"Yeah." Taiga said. "Oh..."

"You OK?"

"Yeah. I'm still getting used to the baby kicking." Taiga said. "So how it didn't feel real until I felt that first kick inside. Then I finally accepted that there's actually a baby inside me." She looked up at Yusaka. "Here..." she gently took his hand with one of hers and with the other she lifted up her uniform to reveal her belly.

"He/she is kicking right here," she said as she placed his hand on her belly just to the left of her belly button. Taiga's skin was smooth and silky, she showed no signs of stretch marks and her belly button had started to protrude.

Yusaka smiled as he felt the baby kick. "I've never felt anything like this before." He said. "You've got a feisty one in there. He/she must take after her mother!"

Taiga laughed as Yusaka removed his hand and she pulled her uniform back down. "So then Yusaka. Is this just a 'hey, you're still alive and everything' sort of visit. Or is there something else to it?"

Yusaka motioned to the couch. "There is more to it yes. But I also wanted to see you abd Ryuuji for myself."

Taiga moved to the couch and sat down, Yusaka joined her. "So, I guess you spoke to Command?"

"As soon as we got you secured, yes I did." Yusaka told her. "They seem pleased that you're all safe. However they want a full report from you as soon as possible. I forwarded your ships logs to them aswell, they seem pleased at what happened down there." He said. "It seems as if you've impressed them."

"Makes a change," Taiga chuckled.

"They've sent preliminary orders. You are still to proceed to Starbase 234 as originally ordered. The Kirishima will be tasked with ensuring the other crews you rescued will be returned to their homes." Yusaka told her. "Once the Tokyo is fully repaired they'll send you new orders. But it seems they're cutting you a break for now."

"We need a short break after the hell we've been through." Taiga said in response.

Yusaka nodded. "Also they plan on sending a science ship designed to study that planet you found. They want all the data you gathered down there. It seems they are considering a new class of Science Vessel."

"A new class huh?"

"Yeah, Admiral Williams mentioned that Starfleet needed a special type of ship that cam cope with strong gravitational forces. He mentioned calling it either the Karlax or Aisaka class..." Yusaka saud with a wink. "But you didn't hear that from me..."

Taiga's mind was swirling. Starfleet wanted to name a ship class after her! She blinked a few times coming down off the small 'high' she was on from that news. She smirked at Yusaka. "Hear what from you..." she replied pretending to not know.

Yusaka nodded and he pushed his glasses up on his brow slightly. "Starfkeet is also interested in these 'Redemptioneers' or whatever they called themselves." Yusaka said. "They believe that they would be best suited to serving as an addition to your crew. To put them on other ships would take time and some Captain's wouldn't accept them. At least here they know your crew already and you can retrain them."

"I was wondering about what to do with them. That's a relief, I know they want to stick together. They've already been adopted into the Tokyo family." Taiga replied.

"That works well then." Yusaka said. He rose to his feet. "I best get back to the Kirishima. If you need anything, just shout ok." He told her. Taiga also rose to her feet, but a little slower than Yusaka did.

"Why not come over for Dinner tonight? I'm sure that Ryuuji would love to see you again. You know how he loves cooking for guests," Taiga told him.

Yusaka nodded. "Thanks. I look forward to it. Its been a while since I had an evening with good company with good food." He said with a wide beaming smile. "I'll see you later tonight Taiga."

He turned and left the room heading back to his ship. Taiga watched him leave before she tapped her comm badge. "Aisaka to Takasu. We have a guest for dinner tonight. Get out the best China..."

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Yusaka Kitamura
Commanding Officer
USS Kirishima


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