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Posted on Fri Aug 11th, 2023 @ 5:07am by Commander Thomas Johnson

314 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: First officers office
Timeline: Current, after briefing

Thomas sat at his desk going over reports before handing them into the Captain. The ship was cruising along nicely, and with everyone taking this time to either rest up for what may lie ahead. There wasn't really much to do.

"Computer play Johnson playlist 4."

"Playing." came the only reply from the computer before the music started.

Thomas leaned back in his chair taking another padd from the desk, as 'burning ring of fire' song came on. Johnny Cash. It was one of the only songs that the Klingons liked, from the 20th century Earth, although their interpretation of the son, was more... literal.

"Commander, incoming communication, they are asking for you." Ensign Holloway replied as he came over the coms.

"Very well. Patch it in," Thomas replied as he turned to the computer,

"Aye sir."

Within seconds the screens starfleet logo switched to a young woman. Several years younger than him.

"Lt Carter, been a while."

"This is not personal call Commander. I have been assigned to your case about the last encounter with the Elachi, If you wouldn't mind dropping out of warp for about 20 mins, I can rendez-vous with the Tokyo."

"Ah, I thought that was over."

Lt Carter shook her head. "You self destructed a station to explode, after rendering hundreds of starfleet cadets, and officers unconsious, as well as self promoting yourself to the rank of Captain. Last of which is being investigated as to how it happened in the first place."

"If it makes you feel better I demoted myself right after."

"I will be there in fifteen minutes Commander," Carter replied. '

Sighing, "Very well." He paused and tapped his coms. "Commander Johnson to bridge, prepare to drop to impulse briefly and prepare to receive a shuttle."

"Aye sir." The response came.

"Johnson to Captain, can you meet me in the shuttle bay in fifteen minutes please."


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