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Another step up the ladder

Posted on Wed Aug 2nd, 2023 @ 3:12am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Edited on on Wed Aug 2nd, 2023 @ 3:18am

995 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Captain's Ready Room

Taiga sat in her ready room, she was going over the known charts of the Karlax Nebula. Not much was known about its interior, however they would soon find out. She tapped her comm badge. "Aisaka to Yuvek. Report to my ready room," she said.

Lt. Yuvek nodded to the nearby Ensign to relieve him at the Helm station as he got up and made his way across the bridge. Once he was at the door he pressed the chime button and waited to be called.

"Come in," Taiga's voice called.

As the doors slid open he entered and waited to be acknowledged. "Captain," He said, still standing.

"Take a seat Lieutenant," she instructed softly indicating to the empty chair facing the desk.

He nodded as he took a seat in the surprisingly plush chair before the Captain. Perhaps he was just glad to be in something more comfortable than the chair at the Helm station.

"So, I've been going over the reports from the incident with the Gamma Zednor station. Tell me how you thought the crew and ship handled?" She asked simply. "Honestly, speak freely."

The Cardassian furrowed his brows as he tried to think of an appropriate response considering he was sitting before his Commanding Officer.

"Ma'am, to be honest, the only reason we're still alive is because of what you Humans call dumb luck" He stated plainly.

"I wasn't onboard the station, so I can't speak to what Commander Johnson and his team went through while trying to evacuate thousands of terrified cadets." He started.

"However, it was dangerous and reckless for you to lead that security force to repel the invaders on this ship." He said. "We were unaware of the enemies combat capabilities and it resulted in you being kidnapped." He said, his voice rising slightly.

"We received an even bigger boon of dumb luck due to the Elachi hardly defending their transport vessel." He conduced.

"Yeah... not my proudest moment." Taiga replied. "Honestly considering my condition, I should never have left the bridge." She paused for a brief moment. She hadn't actually revealed her pregnancy to the crew yet. "Anyways, you took temporary command of the Tokyo correct?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am, when Lieutenant Commander Takasu returned to the bridge, he informed me that you had been captured and the remainder of the Command Team were still on the station." The Helmsman replied.

While the thought of sitting in the large charge had crossed his mind, he did not think he would have been thrust into such a situation so early in his career. He felt comfortable piloting a vessel, however commanding others, especially during a crises was a totally different situation.

"The other bridge crew performed admirably considering the severe circumstances we were dealing with at the moment." He said as he returned his eyes to the Captain.

"So I've heard. Commander Takasu speaks highly of you in his report." She paused again for a brief moment. "Tell me, what are your aspirations in Starfleet? Are you happy at the helm? Do you wish to venture into command?" She asked.

Jasad sighed and sat back into the chair as he thought about how to answer the Captain's question.

"Ma'am, when I made the decision to join Starfleet, it was partly to get as far from the resettlement home on Bajor." He said with disdain in his voice. "But it was also because I saw this uniform as a chance for me to make something more of my life than what my family had accomplished before." He said.

"The Cardassian Defense Force has barely left the inner system of Cardassia Prime since it was re-constituted after the War. I had no interest in making supply runs back and forth or maybe fending off against Nausicaan Pirates as a career. So I chose Starfleet because I knew the education and experience I would gain would be leaps and bounds beyond what Cardassia could offer." He said.

"Regarding Command. . ." He said as he looked down again at his feet for several moments before looking back up. "I don't know how excited the Federation would be to ever see a Cardie in command of their ships." He said solemnly.

"As far as I am concerned, it doesn't matter what you are," Taiga replied. "You have the right to progress in Starfleet. You joined for a better future, and I believe I can help you with that."

She reached down under the desk and produced a small red velvet covered box. "For your service to this ship, showing initiative in the heat of crisis and for being a damn fine officer I'm awarding you a promotion to full Lieutenant."

"Take off that half pip and replace it with this full one. You can also apply for better quarters too if you wish. I have entered into the ship log that from this time on you will have all the privileges and responsibilities of the rank of full Lieutenant." Taiga told him with a smile.

Jasad stared at the Captain in momentary surprise before quickly complying with her orders. He reached for his lapel and removed the half-pin and placed it on the desk. He reached across the desk slowly and accepted the full-pin and applied it to his uniform.

"Thank you, ma'am." He said with obvious gratitude.

Taiga nodded. "You deserve it Mister Yuvek. Now, go out with your head held high and show everyone on this ship that you are more than just a Cardassian. You are a Starfleet Officer that's an irreplaceable member of this crew..." she placed a single hand on her belly "...this family. Got that?"

"Yes ma'am" He said as his chest swelled with pride. He gave a brisk nod and turned on his heels and exited the readyroom, with his new rank proudly displayed.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Jased Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer


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