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Triage Setup

Posted on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 9:31am by Lieutenant Commander Febin & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.

806 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Cargo Bay 2

Nurse Dogrov found himself in Cargo Bay 2. He specialized in triage in Nursing School at Starfleet Medical Academy. Engineering and Operations were assisting in setting up bio-beds in the configuration that Doctor Febin had set. These Engineering and Operations Officers received Medical training at the Academy and would be doubling as triage assistants to the rest of the medical team attending the possible wounded. He saw Doctor Hinamori nearby. The Tellarite grunted, "Doctor Hinamori."

"Ah hello nurse," Anu replied sweetly. "How goes the setup? We'll be expecting patients shortly" she told him.

"We should be able to intake starbase personnel within the next ten minutes or so. They're working pretty quickly and they're replicating a few more bio-beds on standby.

"Ensign Belfonte and Nursing Assistant Miyafuji will be joining us shortly, we've activated the Emergency Medical Hologram in Sickbay. Febin thought he was being funny but he also has the Holodeck as a hospital suite as well. As backup. Smart I think but the Haliians are an odd bunch and he's no exception. Where are my manners? I ramble... for a Tellarite."

Amu nodded. "Good work. I think we need to set aside an area for the worst hurt. We'll also need a place to conduct emergency surgery," Amu replied.

"Emergency surgeries will be in the surgical bay in Sickbay. The worst hurt will be here along with the holodeck program. If you wish to be in Sickbay or the Holodeck program, I can run point here in the Cargo Bay."

Nodding again Amu looked around the room. "Issue a request that anyone with medical training who is available will be needed here," she said. "How does our medical supply stockpile look?"

"Already been sent out. Most of the people in yellow will be staying once they've setup the bio-beds," Dogrov continued, "Our stockpiles are more than adequate. It's a good thing Doctor Febin and yourself, doctor. Doubled up on medical supplies or we wouldn't be prepared for a large number of wounded. This will have to put us in for replenishment as soon as possible."

"Good, sorry. I've been forgetting things easier these days due to the hormones," Amu said with a smile.

"Ah, yes. Humanlets," the Tellarite smiled, "Motherhood will suit you well, Doctor. I'm a father myself, I have sired three passels."

"Humanlets..." Amu said slightly confused. "We call them children, and I wasn't aware that you knew that I was pregnant." She smiled. "I will admit though, I am a little nervous about being a mother."

"We call our offspring Tellarlets," Dogrov continued, "of course I know. I was closeby with Doctor Febin." He then moved in, "don't worry I haven't told anyone. Am I being loud? Sometimes, we Tellarites cannot control our volume."

Anu simply smiled. "Well you were about to find out sooner or later I guess," she replied. "A lot of the patients will also be young, not quite children but not exactly fully mature mentally. These cadets will be hurt and scared. Many of them will never have been in this sort of situation before." She told him. "It's going to be hard to manage some of them."

"We'll get through this and so will these cadets."

"Let's hope so," Amu replied. She picked up a nearby PADD and began to tap on its surface. "We're going to need a place gor these cadets to go once treated, or at least patched up. Have we set up any bunk areas?"

"Cargo Bay One and the corridors. If they're injured where they need constant supervision but not critical or moderately they'll remain here under our care."

"I see, it's going to get crowded in here then," Amu replied. "Ensure the last of the beds are ready, then brief the staff on the rules of triage."

"Yes, Doctor. I'll go speak with the people in yellow. Anything else?"

Anu shook her head. "Nothing that I can think of. Just make sure they are prepared for what's going to happen," she said.

"Of course," the Tellarite nodded and began to move towards the Operations and Engineering Leads responsible for the setup.

Once the nurse had left Amu gazed around the room. The limes of makeshift beds were a sight no Doctor liked to see. She randomly a hand over her belly, the life inside her was precious and one day her child might decide to follow her footsteps and pursue a career in Starfleet. Knowing that most of their upcoming patients were cadets unsettled her, they were still young and still possessed so much potential. She couldn't help but feel anxious, she knew that she might not be a to save them all, but she was going to try her damn hardest.

Posting by

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori
Flight Deck Chief Medic

Doctor Febin
Chief Medical Officer


Lieutenant Dogrov
Head Nurse


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