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Not Your Average Cardassian. In Fact, Not A Cardassian At All... (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Apr 26th, 2023 @ 3:47am by Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc & Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Edited on on Wed Apr 26th, 2023 @ 3:48am

1,178 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Counselor's office
Timeline: After 'Not Your Average Cardassian. In Fact, Not A Cardassian At All... (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek Tokyo:

Talia shook her head. “That’s awful, and they had you sign a Non Disclosure Agreement as well. I’m sorry, I know how I’d be feeling if it was my parents that were out of contact. Isn’t there any way of finding out about them? Diplomatic channels or anything of that sort?”

"Unfortunately, it is necessary for members of Starfleet Intelligence to sign a non-disclosure agreement." Chrirhc said. "It's one of the reasons why I changed my career field to Intelligence, to gain access to additional avenues not available to the average Engineer. Unfortunately, I still can't tell you anything about what I do because orange really isn't my color."

Talia nodded and smiled. “Mine either! We can circumvent that without breaking any rules or regulations. I don’t need details of what you do, I just need to know how you’re coping.”

And now, the continuation:

"Well, you could have said that from the beginning instead of sounding like you want to know what we do." Chrirhc sighed. "Anyway, now that I know what you want to know, I've hinted at it earlier, but I've been seeing a counselor ever since I traded the gold for the grey after the invasion. It's not perfect, but it helps me keep my opinions about the Cardassians to myself, especially when I have an assignment where I have to work alongside Cardassians regularly. Like this assignment, for instance."

“Did I detect a hint of annoyance at my line of questioning there?” Talia gave Chrirhc a look that said exactly what she thought of that. “I will apologise if it sounded like I was asking for details you cannot give. I am here to look after your mental well-being, not to pry into secret details.”

"Well, I'm glad we're on the same page." Chrirhc said. "Anyways, where were we? Ah, yes, the illegal invasion and occupation of my homeworld by my species' biological cousins. Whenever I've had time, I have attended Federation town hall meetings to plead my case for Starfleet intervention in our system. But, as the months became the first couple years, it became clear that my pleas were falling on deaf ears. Isn't that ironic? A government so concerned with not kicking the geopolitical hornet's nest that it's willing to forsake its territorial integrity in the name of upholding peace."

Talia shook her head. “I’m so sorry! I’d feel the same as you if I was in your place. “Being a part of Starfleet claims to make you part of a huge family, one that looks out for and protects it’s members. Obviously not so much in this case.”

"You can say that again." Chrirhc sighed. "It just makes me wonder how much the Federation would be willing to go to appease the Cardassians at our expense. I mean, if Cardassia were to decide to invade Hebitia tomorrow, would the Federation just stand idly by and pay no heed to a blatant invasion of their territory?"

“I wish I could say” Talia shook her head. “I’d like to think that the Federation would stand up to the Cardassians, but who knows! They’d be worrying about starting an incident.”

"Precisely." Chrirhc said. "And unfortunately, this scenario might be closer to reality than you might realize. Cardassian propaganda as of late has been suggesting that we, the Hebitians are the fascists in the Federation's backyard, and the Federation is unwilling to deal with us. The only truth to that lie is that the Federation is unwilling to uphold their territorial integrity and push those spoonhead bastards out of our system!"

"Sorry," Chrirhc sighed. "I know that was uncalled for. It just pains me to see the Federation make concessions to the Cardassians at the expense of its own citizens. Now, I'm starting to understand how the Maquis must have felt..."

“Don’t be sorry for being honest about how you feel. What you say here is between us, it will not leave this room.” Talia smiled warmly. “You can get what you’re feeling off your chest here.”

"Well, now our government is being offered assistance." Chrirhc continued, having received the ok from the counselor. "Not from the Federation, of course, they couldn't seem to give a damn about us, but instead from a breakaway government called the Confederacy of Independent Planets. They're offering what the Federation has failed to for five years: Resolution. Immediate military action if we renounce our Federation membership and join them. That's gotten the Federation's attention really quick: I find it ironic; the Federation refuses to help its members in times of need, but when they want to leave paradise to obtain the results they otherwise couldn't, suddenly the Federation is all ears. Oh, and for the record, I'm not sharing any classified information here: This crisis is becoming a bit too big for the Federation to keep under wraps."

Talia nodded. “It sounds like the Federation has a job on its hands now, convincing your people not to leave. I guess we’ll have to see where that goes. What would you do if your people did leave the Federation? would you remain onboard ship? Carry on your career?”

"As much as I'd hate to admit it, if given the opportunity to see my homeworld breathe free from Cardassian occupation, I would gladly turn over my uniform and resign my commission." Chrirhc said. "Perhaps you'll never understand my predicament, and I sincerely hope you never have to experience your homeworld falling under occupation by a foreign power in your lifetime."

“Most Betazoids already did” Talia offered a brief smile. “Betazed fell under Dominion control in 2374. Fortunately I was off world with my parents at the time, given that I was only 6 years old I can still remember how scared, and worried my parents were.”

"Betazed was a later target in the war." Chrirhc pointed out. "Krimena was one of the first. I watched the Dominon and Cardassians build a military installation in orbit. I knew my government was making a mistake when they decided to strike a deal with the Cardassians to lease Mynok Nor to them! It was only a matter of time before the spoonheads decided that Krimena was rightfully theirs, and it's only a matter of time before Cardassia makes a decision that all of Hebitia is rightfully theirs. When the opening shots are fired, I sure hope Starfleet makes the right decision and decides to send us ammunition instead of a ride."

Talia nodded. “Let’s cross our fingers and hope that time never comes Chrirhc.” She offered a supportive smile.

"I hope you're right." Chrirhc sighed.

“Well I should be letting you get back to your duties, my door is always open whenever you need to talk.” Talia smiled warmly.

"Sounds good." Chrirhc nodded. "I'll definitely be in touch..."

Posting by

Lieutenant Chrirhc Chihc
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counselor


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