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The Medical Eval

Posted on Fri Apr 14th, 2023 @ 4:56am by Lieutenant Commander Febin & Lieutenant Talia Johnson

1,476 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Sickbay

With Doctor Febin having requested all senior staff to attend medicals, Talia had arrived just ahead of her allotted time. As a member of the medical staff she didn’t have a problem with having her medical done. She’d gotten used to being in and out of medical institutions, growing up with her abilities she’d been hospitalised on several occasions due to the stresses and strains involved.

"Counsellor Johnson," the Tellarite nurse Dogrov greeted her warmly, "Doctor Febin is presently finishing up one of his examinations and will be available momentarily."

Talia nodded. “Thank you Nurse Dogrov, I’m more than happy to wait.” She smiled warmly.

"Of course, I'll let you know when the Doctor can attend to you."

The privacy seal around bio-bed one diminished. The senior staffer nodded their head and left Dr. Febin while passing the Ship's Counsellor.

Febin looked over to Talia Johnson, "Ah, Counsellor. Welcome to Sickbay, please." He said warmly and then in his standard Haliian greeting translated into Federation Standard using the universal translator, "The light shone upon you."

He gestured towards to bio-bed one, "Please make yourself comfortable and take off your duty jacket."

Talia nodded and smiled as she made her way across to the biobed. Hopping up onto it she took off her jacket and sat ready for Febin. “Ready when you are Doctor.”

Dr. Febin approached the bio-bed with his medical tricorder, "Computer, activate privacy shield."

The privacy shield came up. The holographic projection showed an empty Sickbay shrouding them.

"When was your last medical eval, Counselor?"

Talia paused to think, “That would be after the final assignment on my previous ship. I arrived here just before Shoreleave so I didn’t have a chance to get a Medical before everyone left the ship.”

Febin smiling, "Were you able to get away to the surface? It was nice to visit Risa for the first time myself."

Talia smiled and nodded. “I did, but I had...” She paused her emotions giving away the strength of her feelings for new husband Thomas. “Thomas to come back for, we kind of fell head over heels for each other the moment we met. I found Risa lonely without him, so I came back and we got married!” She grinned a wry grin. “I don’t know if you believe in love at first sight Doctor, but trust me it exists!”

Febin sensed that her love for her new husband ran deeply. He nodded his head, "I can sense your feelings for him are definitely genuine, Counsellor."

He placed the tricorder down, "Since your last evaluation have you felt any pain, or discomfort that you haven't reported to an attending physician?"

Talia shook her head. “None at all Doctor, well at least not physical pain.” She paused to explain. “You’ll see from my file that I have a history of hospitalisation due to the stresses and strains of developing my abilities extremely early in life. It takes time to adjust to the minds of those in new places I go.” She massaged her temples. “To be honest now all the crew are onboard it’s starting to give me a headache.”

"As another with telepathic ability it can be quite difficult," Febin continued. "it's all how we control it. However, you are a Betazoid and have more capabilities than myself."

"If you could please lay down on your back with arms at your sides and legs side-by-side while I complete a series of holoscans. I'm really loving this refit. They gave me all the fancy toys," The Febin looked over her with a big grin if he were a kid in a candy shop.

Talia smiled, Febin certainly had a way of making her feel at ease. “Of course” She did as she was asked lying down on the biobed so Febin could run a full scan.

Febin returned his focus to his work after the Counsellor had repositioned herself on the bio-bed. He went through various scans pulling the information. To her it projected above her for him it was viewed at the body level, "You're quite healthy. What kind of diet do you have?"

“Thank you” Talia smiled warmly. “I try to eat healthily, although I am impartial to chocolate as one of my treats every now and then. I have found myself wanting to experiment with new flavours lately, which makes a change for me. That could just be Thomas’ influence rubbing off on me, although...” she paused her eyes widening as she thought about it, in her enjoyment with Thomas had she forgotten to update her birth control? “Doctor, am I... pregnant?”

"It's okay to indulge in a sweet treat every once in a while. Just don't overdo it," the doctor cautioned. "Are you family planning so soon? When was the last time you've had sexual intercourse?"

The Doctor looked down at her, "Haliians speak very forward about sexual relations just like Betazoids."

Talia paused. "The last time I had sexual intercourse was last night, but we had our honeymoon just before everyone returned from Risa, and before that at the start of shore-leave three weeks ago." She was feeling worried. "I don't remember updating my birth control, and now I think about it my usual menstrual cycle is off."

Febin nodded down at her and his eyes rediverted to the console. He brought down and did a specific scan, "Good eye. You're three weeks pregnant. There's not much we can do at the moment but you'll be a mother in about ten months."

Talia didn’t say anything for a moment, there was a feeling of happiness, of joy, but at the same time there was trepidation. “That’s...good news.” She paused. “I’m sorry Doctor, I am happy at the news but I’m worried what Thomas will say. We only met three weeks ago, we fell head over heels, got married, and now I’m pregnant...” She took a deep breath to calm herself down, slowly a smile started to form, one which became a more excited smile.

The emotions from Talia were enhanced as they overtook him. He experienced her anxieties and then happiness and excitement took place firsthand if they were his own. His eyes closed while he tried to regain his composure from the empathic overdrive.

Febin reopened his eyes offering her a reassuring smile. It wasn't his place to provide commentary on the crew and their relationship with others. He felt three weeks were quick during his accelerated program on Earth he would witness human courtship and dating rituals. Febin noted that Talia is a Betazoid once more and they have more of an openness in romantic entanglements and wear their hearts on their sleeve. He smiled, "I'm sure he'll be excited to become a father."

He repositioned himself to continue to rebuild composure by moving to the side of the bed, "You can sit up now if you wish, Counsellor."

Talia nodded and sat up. “So I guess morning sickness will start kicking in anytime, I always remember my mother regaling me with stories of how bad hers was when she was carrying me.” She smiled as she recalled the vision of her mother. “Any suggestions as to what would help?”

"It is common for Betazoids to experience morning sickness at six weeks and gets pretty rough at ten," Febin continued, "I can't reiterate it enough but with proper dieting and exercise you should be fine. I highly recommend looking into eating smaller portions throughout the day."

Talia nodded. “I’ll do that, if I have any problems I’ll know where to find you anyway.” She smiled warmly. “Am I free to go?”

"Of course. You're free to go. You've got a new bill of health. Make sure, as the humans say, eat an apple a day... keep the doctor away? Sounds really stupid to me, very stupid. As I'm not going anywhere. I don't get it."

Talia laughed. “To be honest it’s one of those Earth sayings we Counsellor’s hear all too often. Not that it makes any sense at all. Thank you, Doctor, I appreciate all your help.”

"Oh the pleasure is all mine, Mrs Johnson." Febin began to walk her towards the entrance to Sickbay, "I would like to see you in a month's time. I'll have the medical yeoman get in touch with you to book an appointment, I more than likely follow up with you myself."

Then in his native language, "With peace may the light shine upon your path until we meet again."

He watched her exit and then smiled then said to himself, "Well, I better polish up prenatal medicine... what's in the water supply? Oh, another human saying."

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor


Dr Febin
Chief Medical Officer


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