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Unexpected Development

Posted on Wed Oct 19th, 2022 @ 3:35am by Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Edited on on Wed Oct 19th, 2022 @ 4:06am

786 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: USS Propero
Timeline: current

==USS Prospero, Deck 1==

=En route to Beta Antares Fleet Yards=

Trennek had been called to the Captain's ready room.

This was unusual.

Typically Captain Jaxom let his first officer handle most of the day to day dealings that had to do with commanding a starship. To be called to the captain's ready did not bode well.

To be fair, Captain Jaxom was a good captain with a long and storied career. Still, to be called to his ready room... there were only two reasons for this. A commendation or a reprimand. The Brikar could think of nothing he'd done recently to earn either one.

Trennek tapped the chime and was told to enter.

He walked in to see Captain Jaxom leaning on the front of his desk with his arms folded across his chest. He did not look happy. Over on the couch to the side of the room sat the Prospero's first officer, an Orion woman named Mesta. Per usual, a sly smile rested on her face.

Trennek cleared his throat with a low rumble and said, "Reporting as ordered, sir."

"Thank you," Jaxom said and uncrossed his arms and walked over to the window, "I'm not happy today," he continued non-chalantly.

Trennek was quiet a moment trying to think of something, anything he could have done or not done that would warrant a call to Jaxom's ready room. The only logical thing to do was ask.

"Captain, have I done something wrong? Is there some part of my duty I have neglected?"

Jaxom turned around with a somewhat sly grin, "Oh, it's nothing you did." The tall Trill turned again and headed for the replicator. "Ya know, you've been on my ship how long now?"

If Trennek was species that could sweat, he'd be doing that now. "Five years, two months, and eight days, or so, sir"

Jaxom ordered a coffee from the replicator. While waiting for it to materialize he asked, "And how many commendations and reprimands have you earned while on my ship?"

Trennek swallowed, "Twenty-six commendations... and only one reprimand, sir."

Jaxom nodded while pulling a steaming mug from the replicator alcove. "Damn right. Oh, just so you know, I don't give a flying fuck about that reprimand. That idiot had it coming." He pointed the mug at the towering security officer for emphasis as a couple of drops of coffee slid down the side. He now made his way back to his desk.

"Do you know where we're headed now?" Jaxom asked after sipping his coffee and setting the mug on his desk.

Trennek, calm as usual, replied, "Beta Antares Fleet Yards, I believe, sir."

"Ya wanna know why?"

"Resupply, sir." Trennek could answer that one confidently.

"Know why else?" Jaxom took a step towards the Brikar, "And this is why I'm so pissed off today." The captain held his fists and shook them.

But something was off. Captain Jaxom was known to be almost as calm, cool, and collected as Trennek. He was not prone to fits of anger or displays of this kind when things didn't go his way. Trennek realized something was up.

"Captain..." the Brikar started,

The captain interrupted him, "I HAVE TO GIVE UP" he nearly hollered, but then his voice went back to it's normal tone, and he put his hands on Trennek's shoulders, "One of the finest security officers I've even been graced to have under my command. Trennek, I hate this but you're being transferred to the USS Tokyo. She's a rapid response carrier and sent into all kinds of crazy crap going on out there. She needs your skills and demeanor... and probably your ability to kick serious ass when needed. I'm gonna miss ya."

What Trennek didn't realize as Captain Jaxom performed his good-bye speech was that the rest of the Prospero's senior staff and most of her security officers had filed in behind him.

Everyone came in turn to offer well wishes, take care of yourselves, see ya laters, and fare well but not good-byes. There was not a dry eye in the room.

Trennek was speechless.

Trennek was humbled more than he'd ever been in his life.

When the rest had filed out of the room and Captain Jaxom was alone with, his now former, lieutenant, the captain said, "You're gonna be great. We might get another officer to fill your place, but they won't be able to replace you. If you ever need a hand, you give us a call, hear?"

"It's been an honor serving under you Captain. And I hear you. You do the same."

Jaxom winked, "We will."


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