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New Standing Orders

Posted on Mon Oct 17th, 2022 @ 7:47am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Rear Admiral Rimuru Tempest

1,232 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: USS Tokyo - Beta Antares Fleet Yards

[Beta Antares Fleet Yards]

The Defiant Class Starship Akatsuki dropped out of warp just off the edge into the shipyard complex. At Beta Antares ships came and went all the time, however this ship was a little different. Instead of pulling into a spacedock, she docked at the main adminstration starbase located in the very center of the shipyard.

[Spacedock 42]

The transporter on the giant drydock facility powered up. For a few moments blue lights and white dots danced as they slowly materialized a humanoid shape.

"Welcome aboard sir!" The transporter operator said quickly.

The man stepped down, he had pale blue hair and amber coloured eyes. He was rather short, standing only at five foot nine inches. However his red command uniform, decorated with gold lining stood out.

"Thank you for the greeting," the man said as he walked out of the room towards the observation gallery. Slowly he approached the large viewports to look down at the starship below.

"So, this is the ship they're assigning to my sector..." he said. "She's a bit beat up."

The man looked up and down the hull, it was full of breaches. Engineering crews were working hard on the exterior. You could spot them welding on new hull plating, cutting away damaged sections for replacement and scrubbing the scorch marks from the metal. Work bee's darted around with various cargo pods and large arms operated over the starship like cranes.

He shook his head as he turned towards the docking port. He crossed the gang plank slowly, he was in no rush. Finally he reached the end and the door to the starship he had just looked over. He couldn't help but smirk as he read the message above the door to the vessel.

Welcome aboard the United Starship Tokyo

[USS Tokyo Ready Room]

The repairs to the Tokyo were going to take at least three weeks. Taiga had lost a lot of crew, either to the attack and boarding by the Tal Shiar or to them being reassigned. She was finding it difficult to find replacements, especially with the ships name having being dragged through the mud for the last few months. She had been labelled as a bad captain, and now she had to try to get capable officers to serve under her?

The doorbell rang. Taiga looked up from her desk with a sigh.

"Yes, come in," she called. The doors opened and the man stepped through, looking around the room as if observing every detail. Taiga shot to her feet as soon as she realised the man had entered her ready room. "Sir!"

"No need for that Captain." he said raising a hand. Taiga relaxed a little, this was a little unusual. "Captain Aisaka, I am Rear Admiral Rimuru Tempest. I am the Commander of Starbase 234, as well as the sector it resides in," he explained softly.

"Its nice to meet you sir," Taiga replied. She raised an eyebrow as she seemed a little weary of this admiral who was a long way from his assignment.

"Well, Captain. I'm here to inform you that once your shoreleave and repairs are finished. The Tokyo is to be assigned to my sector. You'll be operating under my command." Rimuru explained to her as he approached her slowly. He gestured for her to sit down, as he himself slid down into the chair opposite.

"I was wondering what would be our next orders," Taiga replied simply.

"Well, officially you'll be assigned to my sector with Starbase 234 being your new home port. However you may be used elsewhere when needed," Rimuru told her as he crossed his legs. "Starbase 234 sits where the border of the Klingon Empire meets the Romulan Neutral Zone and Federation borders. It can be a very volatile area".

"I see," Taiga nodded. "So, you're needing a rapid response ship down there to help out. I guess Starfleet is expecting something to happen?"

"I couldn't tell you what they are thinking," Rimuru replied. "For I have no idea what the higher ups are thinking at the moment. Although it looks like we've stirred up the hornets nest. With the Tal Shiar now declaring their independence from the Romulan Star Empire."

"Independence?" Taiga asked.

"Indeed. It only happened a few days ago. It seems that the Romulan Senate no longer controls the Tal Shiar. They are now considered a rogue force, however they are still determined to 'Do what is best for the Romulan People'. It seems regardless of what the senate says," Rimuru paused. "That makes them even more dangerous than they originally were."

Taiga sighed, she hadn't been aware of the Tal Shiar declaring their independence from the Empire. They had basically made themselves a privateer fleet.

"So, what can we expect from our new area of operations?" Taiga asked.

"Well, there's a lot of civilian traffic. Starbase 234 sits only a few lightyears from the Azure Nebula and is the main command base for the Klingon border upto Khitomer, and Romulan Neutral Zone upto Starbase 23 near Jourat," Rimuru informed her. "Its a rather large area, the days are far from boring. Especially with Klingons and Orions around."

"I see. So basically we could be doing anything?"

"Yes Captain. It seems that Starfleet Command believe putting the Tokyo in an area where it's assets are needed is best." Rimuru sat back in his chair.

"Assets?" Taiga asked.

"Indeed. You have sixty Valkyrie class starfighters aboard," Rimuru replied. "You'll be expected to be using them effectively by running patrols around your patrol route and policing the trade routes," Rimuru said simply. He interwined his fingers and leaned forward. "Starfleet hopes that the Tokyo and her fighter presence will allow for us to better police the area, afterall your starfighters can fly their own patrols quicker than any starship"

"I see sir. So we'll be mainly on security patrols in the area?" Taiga asked.

Rimuru nodded. "Yes. However, you will still be classed a s a rapid response attack carrier. You will still respond to distress calls and work under my command when needed. However your standing orders will be to ensure security along your assigned patrol area is maintained, unless ordered different, understood?"

Taiga nodded. "Yes sir. I understand."

Rimuru stood up. "Good to know," he held out his hand with a smile. "I look forward to working with you Captain. Since I will be your senior officer when you report to me, feel free to approach me about anything. Unlike some Admirals I would rather have my Captains know they can rely on me," he paused for a few seconds. "Enjoy your shoreleave, I believe you officially start the day after tomorrow, going anywhere nice?"

"We plan on going to Risa sir," Taiga replied. "And thankyou sir, I look forward to this new opportunity." She bowed slightly, which to her surprise Rimuru returned before leaving the ready room.

Once the doors closed shut, she slumped back down into her ready room chair. "Space security patrols along the Klingon/Romulan border. Managing civilian trade routes... Yeah, the only opportunity we're going to get is being stupidly bored. Starfleet obviously wants us out of the way..." she sighed. "I should enjoy this shoreleave as much as I can while I can..."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Rear Admiral Rimuru Tempest
Commanding Officer
Starbase 234 & Sector


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