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Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:35am by Captain Taiga Aisaka

521 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Ready Room

[Several Days Later]

Captain Taiga Aisaka stood staring out of the ready room window. The Tokyo had been towed by the Starship Swashbuckler back to the Beta Antares Fleet Yards. The bright lights that illuminated the hull cast longe shadows in her ready room as the ship sat in its dry dock.

She stood there in her dress uniform, although the room around her was dirty and damaged she still stood there staring out of the window. She shook her head before she began to speak, narrating to the computer.

Captains Log.

The Tokyo has been towed back to the Beta Antares Shipyards for repairs. We are looking at a three week schedule until the ship will be ready to be back in active service.

I lost a lot of crew, many of my current senior officers have been reassigned. That doesn't surprise me after the little speech I gave them. However, I now have the task of locating new department heads for the ship.

The whole incident with the Tal Shiar has been classified by Starfleet Intelligence. I was unaware of a secondary plan, which I can not talk about in my logs. But I can assure you that the Romulan Ambassador is alive and it is him along with Admiral Hunter who brought the Tal Dianne to our aid. Speaking of Admiral Hunter, I believe that the Knights are now working for him. I wish them the best of luck in their future Starfleet Careers.

I am however to see the departure of Commander Trigmann. He has served on the Tokyo since its launch. I always valued his opinion and expertise. However being reassigned to run his own Carrier Vessel, the USS Bonaventure is the perfect assignment for him. I only hope that he doesn't make the same mistakes I did.

The crew have been authrorised shoreleave until the ship repairs are completed. I have booked a trip to Risa with Ryuuji, and I understand the majority of the remaining crew are also going. However, I also intend to return to Earth. It would be nice to be back home, even if it means 'putting up' with the family.

As for the crew of the Oceania, there was a memorial service held for them this morning. Its a shame that a brand new starship was lost with so many young lives. I understand that the Armitage was in the process of evacuating the vessel, but only managed to grab a handful of the ships crew. It almost feels like they died for nothing, but in fact it has secured the safety and security of Federation citizens for the time being. I only hope that their sacrifice pays off.

I only hope our next mission after repairs goes better and with less spilt blood.

One can only hope. End Log.

Taiga turned away from the windows. She pulled on her collar to loosen it, before pulling it away from her neck. "Time to get out of here for a while..." she said to herself as she walked over towards the door.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer


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