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Distant Discord

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2022 @ 7:25am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Taiga Aisaka

749 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Bridge, Deck 1

On the Tokyo's Bridge, a Tal Shiar agent stood watch near an Ops console. He was reviewing a feed on a PADD from Tal Shiar operatives on Earth. From what the intel was suggesting, something major was about to go down in the heart of the Federation capital.

He heard the doors to the ready room open, and turned to see the Romulan Commander stepping out. The inferior Tal Shiar officer snapped to attention as his superior stepped onto the bridge.

"Commander;" He nodded as his superior stepped past him, turning to follow the Romulan Commander. "Latest reports from our operatives on Terra, sir: It looks like we might be getting far more than we bargained for with that old fool, Miyahara."

"Explain" The Commander said simply.

"Well, sir; it appears Miyahara is more well-liked than we initially planned for," The lesser officer responded. "Ever since Starfleet pushed him out, he's begun a movement known as 'Stop the Steal.' He's expected to be holding a HUGE rally in San Francisco soon, and our operatives on the ground anticipate chaos to erupt following said rally."

The Commander sighed placing a his face in his hands. "What exactly does he expect to gain from this?" He asked outloud. "It was all well and good manipulating him when he actually had power, now he's just acting like a fool!"

"In a vacuum, it might seem so." The lesser officer agreed. "But, according to our operatives, he has a massive, almost cultlike, following, and it appears he's rallying that following akin to an army. If what our operatives are predicting is true, and that he's plotting to plunge the Federation into chaos, it could mean less resources available to repel an invasion."

"Are you thinking of invading the Federation centurion?" the Commander asked simply.

"No, sir." The Centurion responded.

The Commander chuckled. "Good. Because right now we have orders to simply observe" he reminded him. "Tell me, what happened to that old wreck the Admiral loved so much?" he asked.

"It shouldn't be too much concern to us, sir." The Centurion explained. "Last piece of intel I received on it, it was off investigating an incident on the Klingon border."

"Then they're no where near us" The Commander said simply. "Plus we have the information we came from. We just used that old fool to get what we wanted" he smiled. "If this causes ripples throughout the ranks of Starfleet then so be it. When the time comes to fight, it'll just make them weaker against our superior power"

"Are you suggesting invading the Federation, sir?" The Centurion asked, turning his superior's question around on him.

The commander smiled. "Don't jump to conclusions. An invasion of the Federation may be on the cards." He told the officer simply. "Just keep monitoring those channels. We may have use for him in the end..."

"Understood, sir;" The Centurion nodded. "Perhaps I should get in touch with our operatives on Qo'noS and see if the Klingons would be a valuable asset in such a scenario. Word is they're not too happy with the Federation right now either."

The commander chuckled. "The Klingons are never happy. Bunch of drunk barbarians," he replied. "All they care about is honour and death. You would think a backwards civilization like that would have died out years ago."

"All I am suggesting, sir, is that we would be unable to sustain a possible offensive against the Federation if we had to battle the Klingons on a separate front." The Centurion explained, his tone remaining serious. "I believe it would be within our best interests to have the Klingon Empire as our ally instead of someone else we'd have to possibly fight."

"We have too much bad blood between us and the Klingons," The commander reminded him. "They still haven't forgotton our attack on Khitomer."

"Understood, sir." The Centurion simply nodded. If his superiors wished to dig theirs and the Tal Shiar's graves despite better options being available, it was not his business to question such motivations. "If there is no further requirement of my intel, shall I see myself back to my post?"

"Keep monitoring," The commander replied simply. "Information is always better to have than to not have." he added.

"Understood sir." The centurion nodded, taking this as his cue to return to his post.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi


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