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In His Honor

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2022 @ 5:36am by Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'

1,278 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101) Ensign Bishop's cabin, deck TBD
Timeline: After the Tokyo returns to Beta Antares for repairs

"...we regret to inform you that your uncle, Lieutenant Commander Lethbridge Stover, was killed in action on Stardate..."

It was the news Lynette had been dreading the moment she discovered that the Oceania had been destroyed. While she'd already been bracing herself for the possibility that Uncle Lethbridge was gone, it did little to soften the blow when news of his death finally reached her.

Huddled miserably under the covers, Lynette was overcome with guilt. Why him? Why did fate have to be so cruel and take away a grizzled veteran who had lived to see a hundred battles in his lifetime, while a lowly Ensign like her had managed to come out of this ordeal unscathed?

She could faintly hear the door chime echoing from the far side of her quarters, but she was too emotionally drained to answer it; she just wanted to be left alone.

The door eventually opened after a medical code was used to force entry. The room was dark and the tiny figure made its way over to the bed.

"G-go away," Lynette whimpered.

"You don't mean that do you?" Yoshika's voice asked softly as she crouched beside the bed.

Lynette hesitantly poked her head out from under the covers to get a better look around; her hair was an unkempt mess, and her face was red and puffy from all the crying she had done a few hours earlier. She could just barely make out Yoshika's now-familiar silhouette kneeling in front of her bed, and while a part of her was inclined seek out her embrace, she was too exhausted to do much more than gaze longingly into those soft, brown, puppy-dog eyes that she knew were watching over her, even if she couldn't see them.

"He... he's gone, Yoshika," she eventually managed to eke out- though she was too emotionally drained to raise her voice above a timorous whisper.

Yoshika gently reached out and began to brush Lynettes hair out of her eyes. "I know. It was your uncle right? On the Oceania?" She asked, her voice soft and calm.

Lynette nodded solemnly.

"Come on" Yoshika said, a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. "He wouldn't want you to be all curled up crying about it now would he?" She said as she pulled on the covers. "Let's get you cheered up a little huh?"

Lynette blinked in confusion, but slowly, she untangled herself from the bed sheets and managed to sit up, wondering what it was Yoshika had in mind.

Yoshika smiled a little, somehow this made her heart race a little. "Computer. Lights" she said. The room was suddenly lit up, revealing both of them. Yoshika wasn't in her uniform, but was wearing a white tank top that was a little short, revealing a slim line of her lower belly and navel complete with a dark blue pleated skirt.

Reluctant as she was to be admitting it to herself, Lynette was partially thankful she'd been crying earlier, otherwise it would've been mighty difficult to mask the blush that was starting to creep up her cheeks. "Y-Yoshika, what are you-?"

"Why am I...? What?" Yoshika asked confused.

Lynette quickly buried her face in a pillow and began mumbling incoherently.

"Huh? What was that?" Yoshika asked.

"You look really cute in that outfit..." the younger girl could be heard mumbling.

Yoshika stared at her for a few moments in silence. "Erm... Well.. My quarters were damaged in the battle... fire and all that... this is all I could find..." she wasn't sure how to answer her.

The two of them remained like that for a few seconds, occasionally stealing a curious glance or one another before blushing and quickly turning away.

It wasn't like they were naked or anything... so why did the air between them suddenly feel so awkward?

"Well..." Yoshika said. "Since the holodecks are all but destroyed. I was thinking..." she paused for a few moments. "We could go for a walk along the observation deck. There's a great view of the stars aft of the ship..."

Lynette deliberated for a second or two on Yoshika's proposition, but decided it was better than lying her and being pitiful for herself. Sucking in her breath, she got up off the bed and offered Yoshika her outstretched hand, nodding for her to lead the way.

Yoshika took her hand and pulled her out of the bed. She was stronger than she looked. "Come on" she said flashing her a slight smile. "I heard we were due for some shoreleave once we get back..."

"S-shoreleave?" Lynette muttered.

"Thats the rumour" Yoshika said as she pulled Lynette towards the door. "Apparently the ship will take a while to be repaired. I think we all deserve a rest, I heard some officers talking about a transport ship from the shipyards going to Risa"

Risa... Lynette had heard about it before, but she'd never been there herself; she still fondly remembered those posters advertising Risa on the windows of the local travel agency near where Uncle Lethridge used to take her for...

She stopped and begin to tear up again. No, not in public... not in front of Yoshika, please...

Yoshika wasn't too sure why she had burst out crying again. "Don't worry" she said softly as she gently pulled Lynette closer to her body. She gently wrapped her arms around her, embracing her warmly. With the soft touch of a feather she began to stroke her hair, occassionally running her fingers deeper through the strands.

"I know he's gone. I know its hard..." she whispered softly. "However, he won't be forgotton. You'll be alright..." she told her in a reassuring soft voice. She held her close, pulling her head close to her chest so she could take comfort in her steady heartbeat.

"...When... I was a little girl, Uncle Lethy used me take me down to the shops to buy a box of chocolates," Lynette sniffled once she'd eventually regained her composure. "There was this travel agency next door that had these big posters advertising Risa plastered all over the front windows; so your mentioning of Risa got me thinking about that time..."

"Well. Shall we go?" Yoshika asked. "Make some memories for him?"

Lynette seemed a little on-the-fence at first, but one glance at those soft, puppy-dog eyes was all the grounds she needed to make her decision.

"Let's," she smiled, taking Yoshika's hands in her own.

Yoshika nodded. "I'll arrange some spots on the transport for us" she smiled. "Now, lets go to the observation deck. You still need to get out of this room for a bit" she said taking her by the hand.

Lynette knew deep down that Uncle Lethy adored his nephews and nieces; Mum always used to say that he couldn't have kids of his own, so he loved them unconditionally, as if they were his own children. She knew he wouldn't have wanted to see any of them sad for his sake, but remember him for the sweet, caring man he was. And while she had never told Uncle Lethy about her homosexuality, she knew that he would've wanted her to follow her heart, and to do what made her happy. And if that happiness was Yoshika Miyafuji... well, it was almost certain that Uncle Lethy would've approved.

Posting by (in order of appearance)

Ensign Lynette Bishop
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Petty Officer, Second Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Nurse, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)


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