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Ugly Sweaters And Christmas Cookies (Part 2)

Posted on Fri Jan 7th, 2022 @ 5:11am by Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'

1,017 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Christmas Time
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101), Holosuite, Deck 2
Timeline: December 20, 1900 hours

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Yoshika Miyafuji, I love you!" She proclaimed. "And I would be the happiest person in the universe to have you go out with me!"

"Lets give it a go" Yoshika said with a smile as she pulled the other girl into an embrace. "I was very much the same, but now I feel more comfortable with you. I never really wanted to admit it, but I can't help it now. You asked me here and my heart was pounding, I just seem to be good at hiding my feelings. I suppose it comes with my job; but here I can be myself" she told her softly into her ear.

"Yoshikaaaaa!" Lynette bawled, burying her face in Yoshika's sleeve and spilled out the feelings she'd been harboring for so long. "I love you; I love you so much..."

And now the contination...

Once Lynette eventually calmed down, the two of them spent the remainder of their time curled up in front of the hearth, and Lynette honestly couldn't say she would have it any other way; to bask in the warmth of the fire, curled up in the arms of the person she loved, feeling Yoshika's heartbeat against her own... in all honesty, if Lynette could spend the rest of eternity like this, she would.

She knew that she wasn't always going to see eye-to-eye with Yoshika; she knew they would argue from time-to-time, like all couples did. But Lynette would gladly argue with Yoshika a thousand- nay, a million times- if it meant they could share a moment together like the one they were sharing right now.

Yoshika was rather enjoying being with someone special, even if they were both fairly new to it. "Shouldn't we put them in the oven now they're cooled?"

Lynette didn't want this moment to end; she really didn't. Sadly, the cookies weren't going to bake themselves, so Lynette (very) reluctantly got up to preheat the oven to 170˚C before placing one of the trays inside. It would take about 15 minutes to bake each batch, which Lynette certainly wasn't about, as four batches was approximately an hour she could spend cuddling with Yoshika, disruptions aside.

But once all the baking was done and the trays had time to cool, now came the fun part; the decorating process. One of the many recipes Lynette read up on for tonight's occasion had them coating the trunks in chocolate (which Lynette was honestly kicking herself for not coming up with that idea first), so after melting the bar of milk chocolate with the use of a double boiler, she got out a spoon and used it to carefully drizzle the chocolate over the bottom of the cookie. And as the piece-de-resistance, Lynette unveiled a bag of decorative candy stars to serve as tree toppers, which she and Yoshika promptly set about applying to the tips of the cookies.

"We're done," Lynette sighed, wiping her brow and assessing the fruits of their labor with a smile.

"Not quite..." Yoshika said as she picked up one of the cookies. "Open up..." she said with a smile as she held it close to Lyn's mouth to feed her. "Taste test"

Lynette blushed, nonetheless obliged and opened up her mouth as Yoshika fed her the cookie.

"Delicious~!" she gushed as she savored the taste on her tongue.

"Erm..." Yoshika said as she moved a bit closer. "Sorry to ask, but..." she began to blush again. "Lynette, can I give you a Christmas kiss?" she asked nervously.

"K-k-kiss?!" Lynette stumbled, evidently surprised by the request. "W-well I, um... I don't think I would mind that..."

Yoshika leant over and gently kissed Lynette on the cheek. "See, that wasn't too bad was it" she smirked.

Lynette appeared a little disappointed, as if she had been expecting something... more than just a peck on the cheek.

Blushing Yoshika retreated back slightly. "I'm not really good at this sort of stuff. So, lets take it easy right?" she asked with a smile.

One look into those soft, puppy-dog eyes was all Lynette needed to assuage that immediate well of disappointment, because even if they did take this relationship at a slower pace, she was willing to do whatever it took to make it last.

"I, um... I think we can do that," she concurred with a smile.

The fire was on it's last legs once they'd gotten all the cookies stored away for later consumption. Lynette, being the worry-wort she was for Yoshika's well being (especially now that the two of them were lovers), had insisted on reprogramming the outside temperature to something a little more... moderate than when Yoshika had first arrived. Sure, it broke the illusion a little bit, but if it was one little thing that Lynette could do to make Yoshika more comfortable, she didn't mind in the slightest.

"You take care, alright?" she implored as she prepared to see Yoshika off.

"Sure!" Yoshika said with a smile. She didn't need to be fussed over, she was from Japan and in the winter the country did have some very cold weather. But she appreciated the concern that Lyn had showed.

"I'll see you later" she said as she held some of the cookies in a small paper bag to eat later. She left through the door of the lodge, which then opened up to the cold snowy weather outside. In a matter of seconds the large holodeck doors were open and Yoshika was well on her way back to her quarters.

And with that, Lynette watched for a few seconds longer as Yoshika disappeared up the drive before closing the door and squealing with joy.

"She loves me! She really loves me!"

Posting by (In Order Of Appearance):

Ensign Lynette Bishop
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Petty Officer, Second Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Nurse, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)


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