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Defending the Flight Deck Sickbay

Posted on Tue Feb 1st, 2022 @ 6:32am by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'

1,375 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Flight Deck Sickbay
Timeline: Immediately following "Out of The Frying Pan and Into The Fire!"

Amu rushed to the control panel near the door and began to tap various buttons. She looked around the room, there were still various injured pilots from the battle, some still clearly in pain.

"Anyone who can hold a phaser, grab one from the weapons locker" she ordered simply as she unlocked it with her codes to reveal several type two phaser pistols. "There's no guarantee that the door will remain locked if they blast the panel"

"What did I tell you?" Nozomi grunted as she struggled to sit up. "What did I freakin' well tell you?"

"Nurse Miyafuji, help me move the critically injured to the far biobeds. That way they won't be in the crossfire" Amu ordered. "We're going to have to defend the room as well as treat the injured"

"Aye Doctor" Yoshika replied as she took a phaser, clipped it to her belt and then moved to assist some of the injured pilots.

"Don't worry about me!" Nozomi pleaded as Yoshika moved over to tend to her. "Just give me a phaser rifle, I can hold them off!"

"You really want to help?" Amu asked. "We don't have any rifles here, only hand phasers" she told her.

"Anything we can use to fight back is fine with me," Nozomi insisted as Yoshika helped her up off the bio-bed.

Amu flicked open her tricorder and began to scan Nozomi. "Listen Ensign" she said simply. "I'm not detecting any signs of concussion yet" she told her as she began to load a hypospray.

"I should warn you this goes against our ethics. I can patch your wound up quickly and give you a large dose of stimulant. Then you can fight, its against all moral codes getting patients to fight. I could lose my job if anyone finds out, but it's better than being dead. I won't do this however without your permission" she explained simply.

"Do you think you wouldn't have my permission if I was already willing to lend a hand?" Nozomi remarked. "No, I'm more than wary of the risks that come with putting on the uniform; I'd honestly feel worse if I sat by and watched you two get hurt knowing there was something I could've done about it!"

Amu sighed as she loaded a hypospray. She threw over a dermal regenerator to Yoshika who caught it and started to run it over Nozomi's head wound. "This won't be perfect" Yoshika said simply. "I'm literally patching you up to stop the bleeding" she explained as Amu approached with the hypospray.

"Are you sure about this ensign?" She asked once again.

"Positive," Nozomi reaffirmed.

"Ok then" she replied as she injected Nozomi with the hypospray to the neck.

"Nnngh-!" Nozomi winced at the mild discomfiture.

Amu passed Nozomi a hand phaser. "Now, if anyone comes through that door who isn't wearing a Starfleet uniform. Shoot them" she ordered simply.

"No need to ask me twice," Nozomi nodded as she primed her phaser and crouched down behind one of the biobeds.

[A little while later]

The sound of disruptor and phaser fire could be heard through the door as the Tal Shiar soldiers began to secure different sections of the ship. Amu however kept working, trying her best to ignoring the sounds as she attended to her patients.

Suddenly the door of the sickbay began to shake as someone was trying to force their way through it.

Amu turned to face the door, seeing that someone was trying to get in. "Is everyone stable?" she asked looking at Miyafuji.

"Yes doctor. Everyone is stable enough, at least for a while" she explained nervously.

"Good" Amu said as she clicked open the weapons locker. "You're phaser trained right. We're going to need everyone to defend our patients" she explained as she passed the young petty officer a hand phaser.

Yoshika took the phaser and set it to heavy stun. She had only ever used them in training and once before on the Tokyo and she had never really fired at anyone before.

"You'll be fine" she said noticing how nervous Yoshika was. "It'll be fine"

She indicated to her to take cover behind a biobed. "They're probably going to over run us. But we're not going to make it easy for them"

"Awaiting your signal, Doc," Nozomi nodded.

The door began to shake more violently until eventually it was pushed open by three Romulans armed with disruptor pistols. They immediately began to open fire upon seeing the armed Starfleet crew. One of the security guards took a direct hit to the chest resulting in a blast hole in the center if his chest.

"Retirn fire!" Amu ordered as she took aim with her phaser striking one of the Tal Shiar rendering them unconscious, only for several more to emerge from the corridor.

The air was quickly filled with the rapid exchange of white-hot phaser fire; the Romulans were practically dropping like flies as they attempted to force their way into the room, but in spite of everyone's valiant effort to hold the line, it was fast becoming clear that they were losing ground, millimeter-by-millimeter.

Nozomi, in a desperate bid to buy them some time-- even just a few critical seconds-- took a crack-shot at one of the overhead ceiling panels, sending it crashing down on a trio of Tal Shiar foot-soldiers with bone-crushing force.

"At this rate, we've practically got minutes before they're going to be on top of us," she remarked, briefly turning her attention to Amu. "Suggestions, Lieutenant?"

"Keep firing!" Amu ordered.

Disruptor beams bounced off bulkheads, struck consoles showering them in sparks and narrowly missed the Starfleet crew as the Romulans laid down heavy fire. Suddenly the shooting stopped.

"Surrender and we shall spare your lives!" One of the Tal Shiar officers called.

"Screw you, pointy-ears!" Nozomi shouted back. "How do we know you're not bluffing?!"

The only response they got was an additional disruptor beam aimed at the source of Nozomi's voice. "I said surrender. Or we shall end your lives here for disobeying tha Tal Shiar!" he replied simply.

Amu thought out the situation for a few moments. She could see that there was no way out. She laid down her phaser on the biobed infront of her, bravely she stood up and raised her hands in the air.

"Ok. We surrender. This is a sickbay and we have injured here" she said simply to take the lead. She just hoped that the Tal Shiar would have some sort of mercy on them.

Nozomi appeared to hesitate for a few seconds longer, but eventually gave up the ghost and kicked her phaser aside.

The Tal Shiar soldiers strode in and immediately began to grab the Starfleet crew, pushing them up against walls and into corners, holding their disruptors at them.

"No funny business. Move or do anything and we'll kill you right here" the Tal Shiar soldier said simply as he stood in the center of the room. He tapped on his comm device on his arm.

"The Flight Deck Sickbay is secure. We have three Starfleet Prisoners" he said simply.

"Three?" Amu asked looking around at the people in the room. They had at least three other patients whom they had sheltered.

"Yes Three" the man said as he glanced over at his other soldiers. "You" he pointed at Amu. "Her" he then pointed at Yoshika "And her..." he said finally pointing at Nozomi.

The other Tal Shiar soldiers nodded, raised their rifles. In a mere few seconds they opened fire on the injured Starfleet Personnel on the biobeds and those who they had sheltered.

"You said that!" Amu began to shout.

"Want to join them?" The Soldier said. "They were already dead..." he smirked. "Get these three to a secure area. One of those cargo bays we've secured will do. If they resist. Kill them"

"Oh, my God..." Nozomi gasped as the Tal Shiar began to lead them away.

Posting by

Lieutenant JG Amu Hinamori M.D.
Flight Deck Chief Medic

Petty Officer 2nd Class Yoshika Miyafuji

Ensign Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'


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