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Family Matters

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2015 @ 12:33am by Lieutenant Alex Walker & Meru Walker

1,307 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: USS Venture
Timeline: Three Months before Arrival on Tokyo


[Three Months Ago]
[Exam Room 2]

Katie offered the young teenager a warm and comforting smile. She could nearly smell the girl's nervousness which was truly quite a feat. Katie could make a couple of guesses why and she probably would have landed each one perfectly. As she scanned the young girl though, nothing prepared her for exactly what the readings showed her. She frowned slightly, made an adjustment and scanned her again. No, there was no mistaking it. She put on that bright grin again and turned to Mira. "Darlin', will you go out and get your daddy and help the nurse watch over your brother and sister? I need to discuss somethin' with your parents."

"Yes Ma'am." Kala hopped off the bed, leaving the room a bit faster then she'd have liked but she didn't want her mother to see the fear on her face. The doctor had obviously found out she'd let a guy sleep with her and was going to tell them when her father was in the room.


[Exam Room 1]

Entering the office, Alex saw Meru still sitting in the chair and the doctor looking at her tricorder. "Everything okay?" he asked.

Truth be told Katie had never really been in a situation like this as a doctor and in general it was one that most hoped to never be in. She was grateful for the brief moment it took Alex to appear in the room again, but when she turned all her preparation went out the window. "Ah... well, darlin'...." She began hesitantly. "I..." How did doctors do this? This wasn't a good thing, but it wasn't the worst thing. She suddenly found herself truly and desperately wishing her senior was here to give her guidance.

"I'm... sorry to have to tell you this, but your daughter Kala is pregnant. Roughly seven or eight weeks along." The Texan figured (and hoped) it was best to just get it over with and braced herself for the parents' reaction.

Alex leaned back against the wall trying to steady himself. He knew what he'd just heard but still couldn't quite beleive it. "Kala?" He looked at Meru then back at Katie. "I need to sit down."


[Exam Room 2]

Katie nodded to Alex and Meru then turned her bright blue eyes and Kala. "Kala, please come on back in here with me for a few minutes." She gestured back into the other room.

Kala followed Katie into the exam room and sat back up on the biobed. She knew what came next, and perhaps a direct approach was best. "My parent's know don't they? That I've slept with a boy on our last ship."

"Kala..." Katie began with a soft sigh and moved to sit next to the girl. Sometimes this made it easier on both parties. "Yes, Kala, they do know because you are unfortunately pregnant because of that particular encounter." She didn't continue, merely watched Kala as the news sunk in.

"Pregnant? As in there's a baby inside me?" Kala put her head in her arms as she began sobbing. "I am so dead. Mom and Dad are going to kill me." Leaning in to Katie, Kala tears became a torrent. All she could keep thinking was that this wasn't supposed to happen this way. Not now. Not ever.


[Exam Room 2]

Kala looked at the door, sitting as tall as her fourteen year old frame would allow. She wanted to put on a brave face for her parents, to feel strong in front of them. Her small body trembled as both Alex and Meru entered.

Alex was unsure how he'd react entering the room and seeing his daughter sitting there. Seeing his daughter had been crying, not doubt scared stiff about their reactions, he went over to her and gave her a hug. "It's okay honey." he whispered. "We love you." before he went to sit down beside his daughter, holding her for a minute to try and calm her trembling frame.


[Few Hours later]
[Walker Quarters]

Alex sat looking at Meru & Kala who were seated opposite him in the living room. Not much had been said as each glanced silently at the other, wondering how to start the conversation. Finally Alex spoke up. "Mira, Sean, Mikala. Family meeting time."

Once the rest of the family was in the room, the younger two sitting with their father while Mira sat beside her twin sister and Meru, Mira noticed a small tear rolling down Kala's face. She knew something was the matter with Kala and whatever it was, was big. "Kala?" she looked at her sister. "What's wrong?"

Kala looked at her sister. "You remember the boys we hung out with on the Lexington. Well, guess what? Roger put a baby inside me, twins actually."

Mira looked at Her sister somewhat stunned, "You mean? Seriously? I knew you two were.." Realizing her admission of complicity in the whole thing Mira immediately shut her mouth.

Alex looked at Mira. "You knew Kala and Roger were having sex?"

Mira cringed, looking at Kala before she answered. "Yes..." Truth time. "I knew. I'm not pregnant also am I?"

Meru shook her head, "Thankfully just Kala is, Mira. But I'm guessing you were doing the same?" She knew no answer was needed as her daughter's last words had said enough.

Alex looked at his wife. This was not going how he'd wanted it to but neither had it fourteen years ago when he and Meru were kids. "You might as well tell them your news as well Meru. Let's just get everything out on the table."

Meru nodded. "Kala is not the only one expecting. Your father and I are also expecting again. Doctor says in about five months you'll have two new brothers so Sean won't be quite so outnumbered."

Mikala was all grins as she heard the news. Mommy was going to have another baby so she'd be a big sister now. But her big sister was having a baby as well? "Mommy. Why does Kala get a baby too?"

Kala blushed a little at her younger sister's remark. Meru looked at Mikala. "It's complicated sweety. I'll explain later."

Alex looked around the family. "Right now we have a few things to figure out. Kala & Mira, as much as I want to ground both you for fooling around, you both should know better, I'm not going to." Focusing on the two girls he continued. "What Kala is experiencing is the very real consequence of having unprotected sex, and that I think is punishment enough."

Meru looked at the girls. "I didn't say this at the doctor's office but even with support it's going to be hard Kala. Some girls will be jealous, some will despise you. Some boy's won't want to get close to you as they don't want to be roped into being a daddy. Some will figure you're easy and try and prey on that. And through this you will have two small babies who depend on you for everything. It's hard enough when you have the father standing alongside you, let alone without him."

Meru hugged Kala, who she could see was starting to tear up. "What you do have is a family who loves you, parent's who know what you are going through because we went through it, a mother walking exactly the same road as you right now, and sibling's to help along the way."

She looked over at Mira. "I expect Mira, that you will support your sister. She will need help caring for the twins, and while everyone will pitch in, I expect you will take on a larger share of helping your sister."

Alex nodded. "Your mother is right. We will be here for you Kala. And despite what's happened we love you."



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