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Family Matters (Part I)

Posted on Sun Oct 17th, 2021 @ 9:37am by Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

1,516 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Rio de Jainero
Timeline: The morning after "Second Chances"


Soren lay there fast asleep, his arm around Bobbie Sue, who was cuddled up against his side. He held her close, prompting her to lay her head on his chest, as the two lay quiet and asleep.

The two were suddenly startled by a red alert alarm blaring throughout the room. A message repeating over and over again. "Warning! Warning! Base has been infiltrated by enemy combatants! This is not a drill! Repeat: This is not a drill!"

Bobbie Sue came immediately awake, her heart pounding. Her first thought was to roll onto the floor and grab her knife, but a second later the words registered. Enemy combatants? Then she remembered where they were and hesitated.

Soren's eyes shot opened as he immediately turned around, pushing Bobbie Sue to the side, as his hand quickly reached under the pillow. "Where's my phaser?!!" He shouted before tossing the pillows off the bed. "Where the HELL is my damn phaser?!!" He turned around to look at Bobbie Sue, then quickly around the room, his gaze finally stopping at Alice.

Alice stood there smiling with her hands behind her back, as the alarm suddenly stopped, before saying in a cheerful tone. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

Bobbie giggled and covered her mouth.

Soren looked over to Bobbie Sue, back to Alice, then back to Bobbie. His heart was racing and his breathing was heavy. He thought they were under attack, at least, that's what the alarm said. As his gaze returned to Alice again, a furious look on his face. "What the hell is the matter with you?!! Do you have a fault in your programing?!!"

She simply shook her head calmly, her happy tone still remaining, as she answered. "You asked me to wake you for breakfast. You never specified how."

Soren's eyes widened before looking to Bobbie Sue, speaking to her in an angry tone. "I'm going to delete her." He said before looking back to Alice. "I'm sending you to wonderland, Alice! You smiled your last cheery smile!"

Alice seemed to smirk a bit as she said. "Perhaps you should put on some pants if you wish to partake in breakfast." Before fading away again.

Soren let out a scream before focusing back to Bobbie Sue. "No wonder they turned her off. She's a psychotic photonic!"

Bobbie Sue laughed. Now that her fight or flight instincts had calmed down, she could appreciate the humor of the situation. "She's definitely got a wicked sense of humor." She kissed Soren, partly to help distract him and partly because she liked kissing him. "We do need to get up for breakfast. Rafe and Max will be waiting for us."

"She did that on purpose." Soren replied, turning to face her, still aggravated. He wasn't as mad as he was when he realized what was going on, but he wasn't exactly calm yet. He kissed her for a moment, speaking softly again. "You see her smile and cheery voice? It's all an act. She's mental. Crazy. Downright certifiable. Bettie would have never done that. Never ever.That... holographic... nutbar is broken." He kissed her lightly again before pulling away to add. "They need to put her back in her box."

"I wonder which one of them felt the need to program that particular alarm?" Bobbie asked. "Because I'm pretty sure she had to get the idea from somewhere." She kissed him again, more slowly, and then rolled out of bed. "I'm going to shower and dress. As much as I'd be entertained by you coming to breakfast naked, I don't think it would be appropriate here. Or anywhere in public." She looked at him for a moment. "Except maybe Risa, but I've never been there, so I couldn't say." She went into the bathroom for a quick shower before she decided to rejoin Soren in bed and they missed breakfast entirely. It wouldn't be a good idea when they were guests here. Hopefully she'd have more time with him when they got back to the Tokyo.

Soren kissed her back and quietly watched as she walked away and into the bathroom. He looked around, running his hands through his hair, combing it back with a groan. "I'm in an underground facility... above a badass race track... with a hologram that thinks it's funny to blare unnecessary alarms in my ear to wake me up." He let out a yawn, covering his mouth slightly, before adding. "Oh... and my hot girlfriends Uncle is an Intelligence Officer who can walk through walls and has eyes everywhere... not to mention my mother works for his super-secret club." He threw himself back down onto the bed, his head hitting the mattress, before concluding. "This is my life now. I miss being a criminal. Life was so much simpler and quieter."

Five minutes later, Bobbie Sue returned. She was in a good mood, in spite of the wakeup call, and eager to see Max and Rafe again. Mostly. She dressed and then replicated a crystal bobcat paw that wouldn't hang far below the rear-view mirror and possibly hit the window. She replaced her necklace with the new paw. "Ready," she said, coming back into the bedroom.

She smiled at Soren, then hung her key in the locker with her racing gear, programmed her thumbprint, and closed the door. She'd have to ask Alice if she could leave her gear where it was or if she needed to move it before they went down to breakfast.

When Bobbie came out of the bathroom, Soren went in, allowing her to dress and finish getting ready. He jumped into the shower to get himself nice and squeaky clean. After about five or six minutes, give or take, he was out again and getting dressed.

While Bobbie was out of the bedroom, Soren walked back over to the compartment his mom used, straightening out his teddy bear, making sure his old friend was back in a comfortable position. He gave it a smile and finished up clearing the PADDs he discovered. The last thing to put in was the photo, but he stopped short as soon as he reached his arm out, reconsidering the decision. He took another second to look at it before closing the compartment door. "See you next time, Partner." He replied softly, tapping the door a bit, before walked toward the room to be met by Bobbie coming in to ask if he was ready.

"I'm good, Kitten. Don't you worry." He replied, a smile on his face, before kissing her on the cheek and heading to the turbolift. "They better have hot coffee."

"I'm sure they will." Max liked his coffee, too. She slipped her hand in his as they waited for the lift. She bounced on the balls of her feet and grinned at Soren. "I am happy and it's all your fault."

As the lift doors opened, he let out a slight laugh, before stepping in. "You better be careful. Someone see's you that happy and they may start asking questions. But, I'm sure, with an Uncle like yours you are already trained in avoid them."

"With an uncle like mine, he'll already know," she said with a laugh. "I'm pretty sure he's known for a while that I have a thing for you."

"That’s interesting... and also scary." Soren replied with a smirk as he ordered the lift to the house level. "Exactly how protective is your uncle?"

"You don't have anything to worry about. As he said, he thinks we'll be good together in whatever capacity we choose. I think he'll be happy we're together, but he'll leave us to work this out ourselves." She smiled up at him. "And I definitely like the way we're working this out." Her smile was both impish and flirtatious.

Soren chuckled slightly as he nodded his head. "I am sure he wants you to be happy and will keep his distance, but at the same time keep an eye out just in case." He shrugged slightly before looking over to her with a smile. "Like he seems to do when it comes to you, and others, as it seems. He has eyes and ears all over the place, so I am guessing that’s a precaution. He cares. He watches out for people. Not only for him, but for other people he trusts."

She nodded. She'd keep an eye out. "Yes, he does. And now we know you're part of the group he looks out for, too."

The lift stopped and the door opened. Bobbie squeezed Soren's hand. She was looking forward to breakfast, but she was also a little nervous. She wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because she was pretty sure everyone knew what she and Soren were doing the night before.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter 'Bobcat'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

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