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Second Chances (Part XIV)

Posted on Mon Aug 23rd, 2021 @ 9:29pm by Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter

1,566 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Rio de Jainero
Timeline: Immediately after "The Wrong Foot"


Soren grabbed the bear, a few of the PADDs, and walked over to the couch itself. As he sat down, he began to look at one of the PADDs, skimming through the content, before realizing what it was. It was about the job he pulled back when he was hired to steal something for one of his employers. The details of it weren’t as important as the fact it was meant to be a secret. Only a few people knew about it and, somehow, his mother and friends were able to learn its details someway. Maybe one of the people they used was involved? Maybe a member of Paladin was part of the whole deal? Maybe, just maybe, the entire job was to keep him occupied and it was all a hoax.


Bobbie Sue went over to sit on the couch. "You look...troubled."

"I think my mom, the spy, has been spying on me." Soren replied softly before looking up to her. He held up the PADD he was looking at and began to explain. "This PADD details a job I did when I was working as a thief and smuggler. I was hired to... well forget the details. The point is this details everything. From the first meeting to the handoff. A meeting that was supposed to be secret and only known by a few people. And it's not just this one." He said as he put the PADD down and picked up another. "Another." He did it again. "And another." He did it one more time. "And another. Stuff I did away from my mom, my family, were being logged and send to her. Or at least, to this place."

"It's clear she loves you very much and wants to keep an eye on you. Or have someone do it for her." She put a hand on his leg. "Max could have done it for her. He has connections in a lot of places."

"I'm beginning to see that." Soren replied as he put the PADD down on the table with the others. He leaned back against the cushion of the couch and let out a sigh, looking over to her for a moment before pulling her in. He put his arm around her and smiled, looking around the room, before looking back to his teddy bear. "Look who I found." He said, with a laugh, before picking it up and showing her. "Did you have one of those as a kid?"

She ran a finder along the arm of the bear. "I had a white one with a blue vest, but it sat on my bookshelf. I preferred a baby bobcat Max gave me. I think it's in a trunk somewhere." She wondered if she could find it. Maybe on her next trip home. Or she'd ask Max. Her mom would have far too many questions if she asked her to look for it.

"My mom gave him to me. Cadet Teddy Bearon. Spelled B-E-A-Ron in case you were wondering." He chuckled slightly as he placed the bear on his lap, facing them. "She got him for me when I told her I wanted to be in Starfleet like her and my dad. She thought it I needed a friend since I was an only child. I wanted so bad to bring him to Cadet Camp when I was a kid, but he had to stay behind. First night... the first night I had trouble sleeping." Soren looked over to her and smiled. "I got on the comlink that morning and spoke to her, demanding to beam him into my dorm room, but she refused. I got mad but, eventually, I made friends and didn't have any problems. He was in my room the last time I came home from the Academy, sitting on my bed, where she always left him. I guess she needed company while she was here working with your Uncle and Rafe. I could have sworn she told me he was in storage back home."

"Maybe this is a duplicate," she said, gently running her hand along his leg. "Or maybe she brought it here after you left to remember you."

"Maybe." Soren smiled, looking at the bear, remember his childhood with it. "We explored Jupiter together, you know? Me and Cadet Teddy. We saved the Jupiter people from lizard monsters and Starfleet Command gave us commendations and a Pizza Party." He laughed slightly. "Starfleet Command were more accommodating back then. More fun... less paperwork."

"Cadet Teddy must know how to cut through red tape, or he has friends in high places to get you pizza parties," she teased. "Bobette was a World War I fighter pilot. She used to have a leather bomber jacket and goggles."

"Oh yeah?" Soren said as he looked over to her with a curious look. "She must have had some run ins with Snoopy the Flying Ace, huh? Did they go after the Red Baron together?"

"Only once. She out-flew him, of course." Bobbie Sue gave him a mischievous grin. "Everyone knows cats are faster than dogs."

"Of course." Soren replied quickly. "I mean, its common sense if you ask me." He looked at her firmly before chuckling.

She leaned forward and kissed him. "Uh huh. I bet Cadet Teddy made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs."

"Ten parsecs." He replied, with a smirk, kissing her lightly on the lips before adding. "He knew a shortcut through a wormhole. Left the other guy crying in his black vest like a little baby. Him and his hairy friend."

"I happen to like guys in black vests," she replied with mock primness. "And their hairy friends--as long as I don't have to fly against them." Her eyes widened in mock horror. "Don't tell me you're hairy?"

"No." Soren smirked as he lightly kissed her again on her lips before holding up the teddy bear. "But he is and I am sure I own a black vest somewhere."

"Mmm." She looked Soren over. "I'll have to confirm that for myself." Then she turned to Cadet Teddy. "So, you beat Soren, too? I'll have to see how you do against Bobette sometime. She's never done the Kessel Run."

"Oh, you'll never get a direct answer out of him. He's the strong, silent, type." Soren replied with a smile, leaning close to her as he kissed the side of her neck, before pulling back to add. "We have a special class of ship." He whispered just before kissing her neck again. As he pulled away again, he a said. "Only class in the world to do Warp 10. The U.S.S. Bear Claw. First Starfleet ship in history to be captained by a Cadet."

"That's nice." She turned to look at Soren. "And that ship sounds nice, too. If you get hungry, you could even eat it. Just not doing the Kessel Run. Might get messy."

Soren kissed her neck and leaned back to look at her. "I'm here trying to set the mood and you're over here talking about Kessel Run's and talking to teddy bears." He raised a brow slightly before asking. "Did you hit your head? What's wrong with you?"

She ran her fingers through his hair. "You're definitely setting a mood, but your Cadet friend keeps looking at us and he's...distracting."

"Oh yeah?" Soren replied, with a grin on his face, just before taking a hold of his teddy bear. He looked down to it and said. "Sorry, Buddy. I have to use the emergency escape pod. You understand. We can catch up later." He nodded his head before tossing the bear back into the storage compartment. As he looked back to Bobbie Sue he replied softly. "He understands." Soren quickly gave her a wink before smiling again as he leaned closer. "Now... where were we?"

She chuckled softly. "Sorry, Teddy." She leaned forward and kissed his neck. "Somewhere around here, I think."

"Now I remember." Soren replied softly, running his hand through her hair, as his other hand took a hold of her free hand. He interlocked her fingers with his and chuckled softly before whispering. "Do you even want to try to make it to the bed or right here on the couch?"

She glanced over. "That bed looks awfully comfy. I think I can control myself until we get there," she teased.

She let him help her up and kissed him again. "Alice, we don't need any more help tonight. Thank you." She looked at Soren. With the missteps and misunderstandings between them, tonight felt like she was finally coming home.

Soren kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her, giggling slightly between kissing her. "Yeah, Alice." He kissed her again, then adding. "Thanks for the help." He kissed her another time. "Go down the rabbit hole for the night. Wake us up for breakfast." He concluded before locking his lips with her and moving slightly but surely to the bed.

Alice smiled a bit before nodding and went back into the computer system.

As they fell onto the bed, the lights went out and the door locked, giving the two lovers their privacy.


Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter Bobcat'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo



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