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All in the Family (Part II)

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2021 @ 11:43am by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter

1,033 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Bobby Sue's Quarters


"She'd have to be all that for you to fall for her," Bobbie Sue said. "You know I won't tell my parents. How many times did I call you because I needed to talk and couldn't talk to them? So, who is she and why the hurried marriage? Was it just that you both had time and took advantage of it?"


"We've had this thing going for a long time. Finding time to spend time for each other, and you know me, I am a master of catching people off guard when they have that spare time." Max laughed slightly. "You're right. It was a decision we both decided and took advantage of a moment that felt right. She seems to enjoy my spontaneous moments, of which, there are many."

"There better be." She smiled. "I'm sure she wants to spend as much time with you as she can. And, given your schedule, that can be difficult."

"Running a fleet does make for a busy schedule." Max replied softly, in an almost matter of fact tone.

She did a double-take. "Fleet?" There were several admirals that came to mind. Most were male or too old. Except for two, and one was out of the question. "Admiral Burke?

Max looked at her firmly before a smile developed on his face. He tapped an index finger on his nose before pointing to her as he said. "You see. While you are your parent's child, you get your reasoning and deductive skills from your grandmother. Which is the same place I get it from. You are a true Hunter. That's obvious."

She grinned. "You and grandma. But I did get some things from my parents." She shook her head. "I'm still wrapping my mind around you marrying a Starfleet Admiral. I mean, I have nothing against her. I don't know her. But I do trust your judgment."

Max laughed slightly. "You certainly have some things from your parents, but the way you figure things out. How you piece things together and decide the next best course of action is exactly like your Grandmother." He smiled a bit. "Did you know she was a pilot? In fact, she used to fly with someone you know. Phyllis D'Lar." He nodded his head. "Margaret 'Mollie' Hunter. Back then they called her Huntress. Huntress and Sorceress. The Starfleet Sirens. I am sure there were more but, back then, it was an exclusive squad. All woman." He let out a slight chuckle. "Oh, I am sure, Sorceress can tell you some stories."

"No, she never told me." Bobby Sue smiled. "I'll have to ask her about that. We've got several female pilots. One day I may have to recreate the Siren. Might be fun to be part of an all-female squad." She chuckled. "Bobcat doesn't quite fit the pattern though."

"I'd tread lightly." Max replied as he reached into his inner suit jacket pocket, removing what looked like an old fashion silver cigarette case. "Phyllis maybe very protective of the name, maybe even the idea. You grandmother and her had some kind of falling out. To this day, I don't know what it was about, but I know you grandmother regretted it ever since." He tapped on the button on the side, opening the case, revealing it was some kind of small PADD. Inside, between the screens, was a photo of two woman in Starfleet flight uniforms. Arm over arm with smiles on their face. One was clearly and younger Phyllis and the other she would recognize as her grandmother, having seen photos of her before. Max handed her the photo. "There they are. Thick as thieves."

"I'll tread lightly, but I think Sorceress would give me a straight answer." She considered it for a moment. "The timing will have to be right, though. So, maybe not just yet." She set the photo with the two holonovels. "That means a lot. Thanks, Uncle Max." She would definitely do her research before broaching the subject.

"Anytime, Bobby." Max smiled as he stood up from the chair. "If you do speak to Phyllis, make sure you tell her that your grandmother wanted nothing more than to patch things up." He closed the cigarette case again and slid it back to his inner pocket. "And, make sure to give her your grandmothers wings. She was very adamant she got them. She said The old bat will know what to do with them when she sees them. Her exact quote." He chuckled slightly.

"Yes, sir." She gave him a cheeky grin. "I'll let you know what happens." She gave him another hug. "Next time you visit, bring your wife."

Max hugged her firmly before turning to the door. As it opened he said, with almost a smirk on his face. "Check the closet." Before walking out the door.

"The closet?" She hurried into her bedroom and checked. Inside was an old-fashioned flight suit, bomber jackt, and flying cap from Amelia Earhart's era. "Thank you, Uncle Max," she called. There was a distinct possibility that he'd hear her. He liked to know how his gifts were received.

She would definitely wear the complete outfit when she went on the holodeck. It was too bad she couldn’t wear it for training exercises. For now, she had to put on the bomber jacket to see how it fit. At least, that's what she told herself. It fit perfectly.

She zipped it up and felt something in the front pocket. Unzipping the jacket, she felt inside and retrieved a small box. Her hands began to tremble as she opened it. She knew what it was before she saw the wings. They were mounted on a small plaque that said,

Margaret "Mollie" Hunter
Sirens Squadron

She clutched the box tightly and wiped away a tear. "Thank you," she whispered. She put the box in her small lock-box for later. Then she hung up the bomber jacket, put away the holonovels, and sat on the couch to think.


Admiral Maximilian "Max" Hunter
Covert Operations
Theta Fleet

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter "Bobcat"
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo


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