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Friends Reunited

Posted on Fri Oct 9th, 2020 @ 1:57am by Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'

1,338 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Various

[Utopia Planetia detention facility]

Takeshi sat in a holding cell at Utopia Planetia, having been transferred out of the USS Tokyo's brig, much to his dismay. But, he did manage to get one last lick in at Daxer by singing a mocking song about her until he got tased. Regardless, Takeshi knew his imprisonment would still be short-term, as Miyahara would eventually find out and issue an executive order demanding his release.

Takeshi was roused from his musings when he heard footsteps approaching from up the hall, and before Takeshi knew it, a shipyard security officer and Commander Keisuke Takahashi of the USS Myogi were in front of the cell.

"I've got to be honest, your face was the last one I was expecting to see today..." Keisuke said as the security officer lowered the forcefield.

Takeshi grinned.

"Come one, K.T.; Is that the way you greet an old friend?" He asked.

"Absolutely not." Keisuke responded as Takeshi stepped over the threshold. "C'mere! Bring it in, brother! It's been too long!"

Takeshi and Keisuke embraced each other in camaraderie.

"You're telling me!" Takeshi responded.


Takeshi and Keisuke walked through the halls of the Utopia Planetia detention center towards one of the shuttle landings. It had been a while since Takeshi and Keisuke had last seen each other, in that tearful goodbye before Takeshi flew the relief supplies to the Tokyo. (Which Takeshi was sure Admiral Miyahara was regretting greatly by now.) And Takeshi felt the need to catch up on the latest gossip going on on his old ship.

"So, how are you and Maporin doing?" Takeshi asked as the two of them walked.

"Nobody's told you?" Keisuke asked, a grin starting to form on his face.

Takeshi stopped.

"Told me what?" He asked.

Keisuke stopped a couple steps ahead and turned around.

"We're engaged, Zack." He said, beaming from ear-to-ear.

Takeshi could tell that Keisuke was suppressing the excitement in his voice.

"W-Wow... That's... Incredible!" Takeshi stammered in pure shock. "C-Congratulations!"

"Thanks, buddy." Keisuke said, beckoning Takeshi to keep following him. "I finally took your words to heart and decided to make her mine! One of the best damned decisions I've ever made..."

"Honestly, you two make such a cute couple!" Takeshi commented. "I'm so glad you finally decided to make it official! So, when's the wedding?"

"Well, we were going to wait until we were back in the Sol System anyway, so we could have the wedding in Japan. So, since we're here, we'll probably be having it soon." Keisuke explained. "We're still debating on whether to have it in Gunma or Kumamoto, but I think I'm going to lose this one..."

"Well, I'm sure wherever you pick, it'll be beautiful." Takeshi said.

"I was kind of hoping you would be the best man." Keisuke added. "I mean, since my brother is light years away from here..."

"Are you kidding?" Takeshi asked. "I'd be honored to!"

"That's the spirit." Keisuke smiled. "Though her maid of honor is likely going to be that Erika chick. Either that or her sister: Whoever she picks, I can practically guarantee that the maid of honor will be one fine piece of tail. Are you sure you're going to be okay walking down the aisle and sharing a dance with someone that hot that isn't your wife?"

"Come on, K.T.; you don't think I'm aware that Sayuki has likely cheated on me while I've been away?" Takeshi teased. "Besides, we're only walking down the aisle and sharing a dance, it's not like you're asking me to sleep with her."

"True enough." Keisuke chuckled. "I just know how you work: You take holy matrimony very seriously."

"Ah, how long it's been since I heard somebody utter those words." Takeshi sighed. "Nobody on the Tokyo's bothered to even try to understand me. I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake in accepting the transfer."

"Nonsense, Zack." Keisuke responded. "Don't blame yourself because disorganized tend to disassociate with orderly."

The two approached the shuttle Keisuke had come to Utopia Planetia in. It was in every way identical to the one Takeshi had flown to the Tokyo. That shuttle had since been reclaimed by the Tokyo, the Myogi's name had been sanded off and painted over, with the Tokyo's name added in its stead. But, that was okay, because from what Takeshi had heard, Admiral Miyahara had ordered a replacement.

"Honestly, the timing of everything couldn't be more perfect." Keisuke sighed. "It's all happening a little sooner than I would have liked, but I'm ready: My heart's really pumping; I don't think I've ever been this excited for anything in my life."

"I get it, but why do I get the feeling there's more meaning behind your words?" Takeshi asked.

Keisuke stopped and turned around.

"There is something more." Keisuke admitted. "However, I think I'd best leave it to Maho to explain."

A stupid expression crossed Takeshi's face.

"What are you getting at?" He asked.

[USS Myogi - Executive Officer's Office]

"You're WHAT???" Takeshi exclaimed.

Maho smiled weakly up at Takeshi. Her pale complexion was indicative that she had been vomiting.

"No kidding!" Takeshi spluttered. "How far along are you?"

"Four weeks." Maho responded. "I think I found out... Gosh, it must have been the day we took Captain Aisaka into custody. Morning sickness has been a bitch..."

"M... May I?" Takeshi asked.

"Of course..." Maho responded, leaning back in the chair.

A wide-eyed Takeshi placed his hand on Maho's belly, amazed at the life forming within.

"I don't believe it!" He muttered.

A grin formed on Takeshi's face.

"I'm impressed, K.T.!" He said, giving Keisuke a dig in the ribs. "Those are some galaxy class photon torpedoes you've got in the ol' torpedo bay down there!"

"Come on, Zack: You're making me blush in front of my fiance!" Keisuke muttered.

"You're going to be a family man soon, just like ol' Zack." Takeshi said. "But, seriously, K.T.; this gets me excited. I can already picture idyllic scenes of our two families hanging out: You and I talking guy stuff, Maho and Sayuki talking housewife gossip, and our kids running around in the yard together."

Keisuke stopped for a moment, as he had been too caught up in rushing the wedding planning to happen while they were in the Sol System to think about the long term ramifications of Maho's pregnancy.

"Wow, I guess I haven't really thought that far in advance yet..." Keisuke muttered.

"Well, pretty soon you're going to have to." Takeshi said. "The baby will be here before you realize it."

Takeshi turned to Maho.

"But seriously, if you need any advice at all, Sayuki's your chick." He told her. "She believes in preaching motherhood to all who will listen."

Takeshi took out Sayuki's business card and presented it to Maho.

"Thank you, Zack." Maho replied, accepting the business card. "I may just hit her up..."

"Alright, alright, how about we leave the poor lady alone now, huh?" Keisuke suggested. "She's got a lot on her slate. Besides, we need to speak with the admiral over the, er... Terms... Of your release..."

Takeshi rolled his eyes.

Because, of course it was never that easy... He thought to himself.

"Of course..." Takeshi muttered. "I was hoping senpai only merely wanted to say hello..."

As Keisuke and Takeshi turned to leave, Keisuke turned back to Maho.

"Hey, did you take your prenatal vitamins yet, babe?" He asked.

"No, I haven't, babe." Maho replied with a sigh.

"Well, you do that and take it easy." Keisuke instructed. "I'll be back in a bit to check up on you."

Though Keisuke and Maho couldn't see it, Takeshi was smiling. The two of them were at their cutest when they were exchanging lovey-dovey terms like that.

Posting by

Captain Maho Nishizumi
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato
Air Boss
USS Tokyo


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