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Dinner in sickbay (part 1)

Posted on Sun Sep 6th, 2020 @ 11:24am by Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Mako Nakazato & Sayuki Nakazato & Zack Nakazato Jr.

562 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Sick bay
Timeline: After the crisis

Takeshi had been in the middle of his research on the strange alien vessel to determine if it belonged to any of the Alpha Quadrant powers when the ship suddenly lurched and everything went black. He had awoken in sickbay in time for a nurse to spot him stirring and bother him about his medical history.

Sick bay was in chaos, and Takeshi didn't bother to memorize the revolving door of faces tending to him: Their introductions were in one ear and out the other. But like all crises, things eventually began to quiet down, and the revolving door of faces soon became just the same one or two tending to him.

As the nurse served him his dinner of more medicated crap with some Andorian berry juice that also tasted like something had been slid in it, the smell of fresh food caught Takeshi's nostrils. As sterile as the sickbay was, anything foreign smelling traveled far fast.

Whoever it was that was getting fresh food must be one lucky son of a bitch... Takeshi thought

As the heavenly aroma seemed to draw tantalizingly closer, Takeshi's own food seemed less and less appealing, and he was seriously considering trying to bribe the nurse to bring him food from a non-sick bay replicator when he looked up in time to see the curtains around his bedside part and Mako tear into the 'room' the curtains created.

"DADDY!" Mako screeched as she leaped up onto Takeshi's bedside to hug her father.

"Hey there, kiddo:" Takeshi replied, returning the embrace as best he could. "Where's your mom?"

"Right behind me." Mako responded.

Though Takeshi didn't need Mako to tell him, as when Mako was rushing up to hug him, Sayuki appeared through the curtains, carrying two travel coffee cups as well as a bag, which Takeshi could only presume held that delicious smelling food, whatever it was. She was wearing slim-fitting blue jeans and a white T-Shirt with orange text on it; that slogan that she had helped coin at work:


"Please tell me some of that's for me." Takeshi said in reference to the food.

"Don't be a pig now, dear:" Sayuki responded. "Make sure there's some for the kids."

"Kids?" Takeshi asked, looking around for Zack Jr.

He eventually saw Zack down by his mother's knees, holding two sippie cups, one of which must have been his sister's.

"Ah, there's the little champ:" Takeshi said. "Look at you, all big boy 'I don't need to hold mommy's hand.'"

Zack didn't respond, he seemed to want his sister to come take her sippie cup.

"Aw, now don't give your father that look, Zack!" Sayuki said. "You should have seen him: He was holding my wrist the whole way until Mako wanted him to hold her sippie cup."

"I don't doubt that." Takeshi chuckled. "But seriously, at least tell me one of those coffee cups is for me..."

"Sure is," Sayuki responded, handing him the blue cup. "It's your favorite!"

As Takeshi tilted the cup back, the sweet, sweet nectar that was Darjeeling Tea met his lips: He hadn't had it since before the briefing the previous day, and it tasted delightful to say the least.

"Delicious!" Takeshi said when he finally lowered the cup. "Thanks, dear. Now, what's in the bag?"

To be continued


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