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Cardassians and Unwanted Children (18+ Content)

Posted on Thu Nov 28th, 2019 @ 5:33pm by Lieutenant Rinka Hayami 'Sharp-Shooter'

1,117 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Unknown

Rinka Hayami couldn’t get through to anyone. It seemed as if the communications system was down shipwide. She knew that the ship was in trouble the minute it went dark after main power had failed. There were several emergency areas, the pilots lounge where most of the Tokyo's fighter pilots spent their free time or waited on standby was one of them. At least if she could get to the pilot lounge, her superior Trigman might be able to help. If he wasn’t there she could take charge of the fighter wings until he arrived.

However first she would have to get herself out of the ships gym. She wasn’t too bothered about changing back into her uniform, the exercise outfit was lighter and easier to move about in anyways. Plus if she needed to be out in space in her fighter, her fighter flight suit was in her locker and she could easily slip that on.

Rinka finally managed to get the doors of the gym open only to be faced with a dark lifeless corridor. Obviously it was going to be dark if for whatever reason the ship had lost power. She could only wonder if they had been attacked, or had run into something.

She thought she saw the shadow of someone.
“Who’s there?” she called out. She instantly reached for her hip, only to discover that she wasn’t armed. Of course she wasn’t, there was no need to have a phaser in the gym. She let out a sigh, she was no security officer but still she wouldn’t of minded one during this incident.

She followed the shadow, only to be greeted with the bulkhead at the dead end of the corridor. She looked at it, it all seemed normal to her. She turned and a bright flash of light blinded her. Her knees became weak as she slowly fell to the floor.

Rinka eyes opened slowly. She was laid down on some sort of table. She couldn’t tell where she was. She tried to move, but her wrists and ankles had been tied down with restraints. The room looked familiar though, it had a certain architecture to it that she couldn’t quite place. Green, pink and purple consoles and a ‘rounded' style. Then it hit her. Cardassian.

“What do you want from me?!” she shouted. There came no answer to her call, only three Cardassians dressed in their black and grey military uniforms looking down at her.

“So this is what a female Human looks like in their true form?” one of them asked the other. The second Cardassian nodded. “Yes" he replied. “Smooth light pale skin, notice the differences between their body structure and ours" he said. It was only then that Rinka realised that she was actually naked whilst on the table.

She blushed a bright shade of magenta. She was always embarrassed about this sort of thing. Even Chiba whom she had entered a relationship with had yet to see her fully naked, so to be this way in front of three Cardassians helpless, defenceless and utterly exposed was the most embarrassing event she could think of.

“Shall we start the experiment?” the final Cardassian asked. The other two nodded and smiled.
“What experiment?” Rinks asked, only to be ignored. The third Cardassian tapped a few buttons on the console by the side of the table. A strange device lowered from the ceiling. It descended slowly onto Rinkas abdomen, the smooth metallic surface making direct contact with her lower stomach.

She shivered, it was cold and it seemed to be getting colder. She gasped as she felt something run across her stomach, it felt like it was scratching at her just below her navel. Then suddenly a tearing sound, followed by intense pain as something entered her body. She screamed, the pain burning like fire spreading from her stomach upwards.

“Notice this causes the subject pain” one of the Cardassians said as he recorded it all down on a data pad. “Implantation has been successful" he added. The machine was withdrawn and Rinka was slowly raised up by the table as it pivoted to a standing position.

“It shouldn’t be very long until we begin to see gestation” the second Cardassian said. Rinka shuddered, from what she could tell they had implanted something into her womb without her permission. Not only was this highly unethical, but unwarranted on all cases.

“Release me!” she said to them. However another pain erupted from her belly as it began to expand at an alarming rate. She squirmed and struggled against the restraints as the pain made her cry out. What were they doing to her? What had they put inside her? Why were they doing this? She began to breath heavily as the pain dulled and she eventually looked down. Her stomach had expanded to that similar of a nine month pregnant woman, her navel protruding out in front of her.

“Now we'll see how a Human female gives birth, and if she is capable of bearing our newest weapons" the Cardassian said with a grin. “Yes. Our experiments with Klingons, Vulcans and Romulans were unsuccessful. The Andorian was the worst, but they won’t allow us to do it on our own people. Half bread super soldiers is what we had to settle on!” the first Cardassian said.

Now Rinka knew. She was being used as a test subject. So this is what the Cardassian Military was up to. Was this why they needed the Tokyo? Why they had her? Had they tried this on the others before her? She felt a tremendous pain erupting from her crotch area and the sudden earache to push down on her belly.

“It begins...” the Cardassian said. Rinka screamed loudly, she could feel it move within her, it was alive, it had been quick but with plenty of pain. She couldn’t take it, she was thrown into blackness.

She opened her eyes again. She was still in the gym of the Tokyo. Flat on her back laid on the treadmills conveyor. She sat up, and ran a hand over her belly. No super soldier inside her, no signs that she ever left the ship at all. Was all that a dream? An illusion? She didn’t know. Her hands were shaky and weak as she pulled herself up. “Flight lounge...” she said to herself under her breath. “But...” she looked over at the locker room door. Perhaps it would be best to change back into uniform after all.

Posting by

Lieutenant Rinka Hayami
Squadron Leader of Squadron D “Eren" & Starfighter Wing Deputy Commander


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