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SWORD Mission Log 4: One Door Closes, Another Opens

Posted on Sun Dec 3rd, 2017 @ 9:00am by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach
Edited on on Sun Dec 3rd, 2017 @ 9:14am

1,437 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: On The Prowler


Alex sat at his desk, the only light came from the console in front of him, as he tapped on the PADD by it softly. "Begin SWORD Mission Log." He said softly as he tapped again on the PADD, which began the recording. "We got him." He said softly, placing the PADD down on the table. "We nearly lost two members, but we got him. Starfleet Officer Lieutenant Alexander Knight is now in our possession. Currently, he is laying in one of our biobeds, healing from the wounds sustained by Dylan. Possibly sedated. Not because he needed it, but because he was getting on Jazz's bad side." He let out a slight chuckle before adding. "To be honest, if she didn't, I would have done it myself."

He paused slightly, looking away for a moment, before looking back to the console. "Viva and Pitbull are laying right by his side, and to be honest, I'm shocked I'm not laying right there next to them. We thought we had him, but he had us. He led us right into a trap. If Lex didn't manage to get his gag off to warn us, we would all be dead by now." He stopped as he heard the door open. Alex paused as he looked over to see Jazz standing there, holding up a medkit, before walking in. Alex let out a sigh before leaning back in his chair. "I used to think Dylan could be saved, but at this point, I'm not so sure."

Jazz walked into the office and stopped, looking around before saying. "Why is it so dark in here? Are you brooding? Did I interrupt your brooding?"

"I'm not brooding. I'm logging." Alex replied with a sigh.

"Do you always log in the dark?" Jazz asked before approaching his desk.

Alex rolled his eyes slightly before running a hand through his hair and saying. "Computer: Restore standard lights." The lights in the room turned on, lighting the room to its standard setting. "Are you happy now?"

Jazz stopped on Alex's left side before smiling and replying. "Yes. Now I can take care of your wound. Maybe you can develop a scar to have a new story to try and impress the girls. Maybe we can get you laid and you can stop brooding."

"I wasn't..." Alex said sternly before letting out a frustrated huff. He looked over to Jazz and raised a brow. "Do your business." He said firmly.

She ripped the hole in Alex's sleeve to have more access to the wound he sustained during the last mission. "So... that other you seems to be very... umm... interesting."

"By interesting, I take it, you mean annoying?" Alex said, looking over to her with a raised brow.

"I was being polite." Jazz replied, putting a medical tool by wound, before she added.

"How's Viva and John?" Alex asked before looking away. "Viva is resting and John..."

"Is still kicking. Sorry to disappoint." John interrupted from the doorway before approaching them. He walked with a slight limp and a sling on his right arm, pressing it against his upper body, to keep him from moving it around and allowing it to heal.

Jazz stopped working on Alex's arm to look over to John and say. "You're supposed to be in bed."

"I'm supposed to be a lot of things, Sirel. It doesn't mean I am going to give you the satisfaction of putting a laser scalpel to me and seeing what makes me tick." John said as he walked over to a box at the foot of Alex's best and removed a bottle from it. "Besides, I am not missing the celebration."

"Celebration?" Alex said softly, as he leaned back in his chair. "Why are we celebrating? Dylan got away."

"True, but the goal wasn't Dylan was it? It was saving the kid and we got him. Alive on top of that. So, personally, I think we should celebrate." John replied as he walked back. "Any mission you walk away from is one you should celebrate."

"I'll drink to that." Jazz replied with a smirk as she began to work on Alex's wound again.

"You'll drink to anything." Alex replied, looking over to her.

"True." Jazz said, nodding her head with a smile. She placed her hand on the glass John put on the table.

John filled up Jazz's glass slightly before pulling the bottle away and filling another glass. As he filled up the next glass he began to speak softly. "So, I guess this means we're headed home to drop off the flyboy, ehh Boss?"

"That would be the right thing to do, John. He belongs in that universe after all." Alex replied, a slight smirk on his face.

"I mean, it’s not like I can think of another reason to head back there and possibly stick around." John said with a grin as he poured the liquid into another empty glass before setting it down on the table. "Can you?"

Alex looked back at John before slightly shaking his head and taking the glass. "I can think of one."

"And its a good one, Boss." John replied as he took his glass and raised it slightly. "Let's get flyboy sedated and tucked in so we deliver him back home to-" Suddenly, John was cut off by an alert that sounded from Alex's desk. He paused slightly before reaching down and tapping it. "Dutch? I have a glass in my hand that's still empty. This better be important."

"I just through you guys should know that I found something... quite odd." Dutch replied, sending over the information the gathered so far. "I've picked up a signal. Distress... and it’s not from the Empire. Its Starfleet."

John looked to Alex with a raised brow.

Jazz looked confused. Her gaze went from Alex, to John, then back again before finally saying. "What does that mean?"

"It means one of the ships from the other universe is here." Alex said curiously.

"Great." John responded as he smiled from ear to ear. "We can hitch a ride and drop off the annoying bastard before looking for-"

"Wait." Alex interrupted, returning his gaze to the information Dutch sent over. "You it was odd. What's odd, Dutch?"

"Well. I sent out one of the long-range probes to get a better link on the signal and I got close enough to snag more intel. What I got is weird." Dutch replied before adding. "The info that came back is all jumbled. Starfleet and Terran Empire. I finally got close enough to grab a sensor shot and this came back."

A photo appeared on the console. All three got into a better position to view it and all three of their eyes widened. "That's a Terrain Akira Class, but what's surrounding it."

"It looks... out of phase?" Jazz commented before looking over to Alex.

"Could it be something with the probe's sensors?" Alex asked.

"Nope." Dutch answered. "I ran a check from here and all of it came back fine. Its not the image, its the ship. And that's not all. I was able to pull a manifest from the Starfleet system. One name popped up that caught my eye."

Alex tapped on the console as the manifest information came up. He skimmed through it before stopping at a specific name. His eyes widened as he stood up and took the glass from his table. "Dutch? Set a course for that ship. Now."

"Got it, Boss." Dutch replied before closing the channel.

Alex said nothing. He just downed the whole drink before walking out the door.

"Hey!" Jazz shouted. "I haven't finished fixing you up!"

John looked through the same file Alex did and then stopped at the same name. He let out a bit of a chuckle before drinking his drink and setting the glass on the desk.

"What is it? John?" Jazz asked curiously.

"Things just got a whole lot more interesting, Grimmy. Make sure the kid is fixed up, then go finish on the Boss." John said with a smile as he walked toward the door.

Jazz looked at the file and skimmed quickly through it till she saw the highlighted name. He paused slightly before looking over to John who walked out the door just before she shouted. "Who the hell is Alora Tau'Ri?"


Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
SWORD Team Leader

Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey
SWORD Team Second

Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach
SWORD Member

Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel
SWORD Team Corpsman


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