Specifications - USS Tokyo

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The USS Tokyo is an Armitage Attack Carrier. The class of starship was first developed in 2383 when Starfleet recognised they needed a carrier vessel which was capable of rapid response duties. One problem that was first recognised as early as the Dominion War was that Starfleet did not have a ship capable of transporting short range attack or defense vessels in a reasonable quantity. The Akira Class carrier was capable of transporting a large amount of fighters, however it was starting to show its age.

The Armitage Class was heavily based on the Akira Class with more advanced technology and with a better spaceframe. With a dedicated lower hull specially designed for Fighter and secondary craft operations the Armitage class has superior carrier abilities and capacity. She is capable of transporting upto 60 fighters, however runs with a standard compliment of 40, 10 per squadron.

The USS Tokyo is not just a carrier, she is also fully capable of managing deep space operations and special ops. Her main role is to maintain the security of the Federation, from managing civilian traffic to engaging invading forces. She is designed as a rapid response attack carrier which is Starfleets answer to the rising tensions and uprest within the quadrant.


Class Armitage
Role Rapid Response Attack Carrier
Duration 85 Years
Time Between Refits 5 Years
Time Between Resupply 3 Years


Length 500 Meters
Width 300 Meters
Height 90 Meters
Decks 20


Officers 185
Enlisted Crew 400
Marines 60
Starfighter Pilots 60
Civilians 10
Emergency Capacity 2000


Cruise Speed Warp 8
Maximum Speed Warp 9.985
Emergency Speed Warp 9.99

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields Auto-Modulating Shields
Regenerative Shields
Secondary Shield System
Weapon Systems Phasers
Type XIII Phaser Array: 8
Type XIII Phaser Turrents: 2
Type XIII Forward Quad Phaser Cannons

Anti-Aircraft Phaser Point Defense System.- 360 Degree targeting/coverage.

Micro-Photon Torpedo Point Defense System - 360 Degree targeting/coverage.

Torpedo Launchers
Rapid Relaunch Torpedo Launcher: 2
Burst Fire Torpedo Launcher: 4
Pulse Fire Torpedo Launcher: 2
Armament Tri-Cobalt Devices: 5
Quantum Torpedoes: 300
Photon Torpedoes: 600

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 2
Shuttles Type XI Shuttle: 2
Type IX Shuttle: 4
Type VI Shuttle: 4
Type VIII Shuttle: 4
Fighters Valkyrie Attack Fighters: 60

Valkyrie Marine Escort Fighters: 2
Runabouts Danube Class Runabout: 2
Delta Flyer Class Runabout: 2
2 Marine Landing Craft
2 Argo Transports