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Mon Jun 28th, 2021 @ 10:36am

Mako Nakazato

Name Mako Nakazato

Position Child

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 5

Physical Appearance

Height 3'5
Weight 39.5 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Mako is lovingly referred to by her mother Sayuki as her 'mini-me' as she resembles her mother despite having her father's hair color.


Father Takeshi Nakazato
Mother Sayuki Nakazato
Brother(s) Zack Nakazato Jr. (younger brother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mako is a very excitable child. She loves both her parents dearly and is especially clingy to her father.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Is incredibly adorable and easy to capture hearts

- Is only 5 years old, and is still developing in many senses, and is prone to make typical childish mistakes.
Ambitions To make up for lost time and bond with her father Takeshi
Hobbies & Interests Loves going for rides in her father's GT-R and 'Auntie Mako's' SilEighty
Loves it when her mother and 'Auntie Mako' race each other, especially when she gets to ride along with one or the other.

Personal History Mako Nakazato is the first born child of Takeshi and Sayuki Nakazato, named in honor of her mother's friend, Mako Sato.

In her short existence, Mako has only seen her father once before he set off to the stars, and she was only 2 years old at the time and barely remembers him.

Despite her father's absence, her mother tried to give Mako a good childhood, and would give her rides in her father's car, which she would tell her daughter was his most prized possession, as well as frequent visits to 'Auntie Mako', her namesake, and rides in her car as well. And if Mako was lucky, she would be able to get her mother and 'Auntie Mako' to race each other, with her mother using her father's car.

Three years quietly passed, and all Mako knew of her father was the stories her mother would tell about him as well as the increasingly faint memory of him.
When she asked why she couldn't visit her father aboard his spaceship, she was told that there was a 'bad man' preventing such arrangements from happening.

But then, one day, after overhearing her parents talking over long range communications, Mako found out that the 'bad man' was no longer in the picture: Her father was aboard a new spaceship, headed by a 'good woman' who was kindly allowing them aboard. Her mother had decided on both her and her younger brother Zack's behalf that they would be meeting her father on his new spaceship.

Mako was more than delighted to finally get to really know her father, even if it meant giving up life on earth.

At the first opportunity, Mako would have to find and thank the 'good woman' for letting her be with her father.