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Sat Nov 14th, 2015 @ 5:35am

Lieutenant Commander Alexander Wheeler

Name Alexander Wheeler MD MilSc, BSc

Position Starfighter Air Boss

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Trill
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9
Weight 183lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Doctor Alexander Wheeler stands five foot nine of muscle. his arms are well built and defined hence his choice of uniform being a short sleeve at all times unless on diplomatic or official duties. his barrel chest is a predominant feature and his chiseled jaw covered by a Rikeresque beard draws attention when he enters a room


Spouse/Partner Tasha wheeler M.D BSc
Children Lennard, Douglas, Edwin
Father John Heinz
Mother Mandy
Brother(s) Dell
Sister(s) Candi-Marie
Other Family Admiral Tyoko Manchete Co Starbase Epsilon
Admiral William T. Riker - Second Cousin

Personality & Traits

General Overview after a Studious past growing in the wilds of wales and learning to hunt the old fashioned way. Alexander decided to give the military life a go and enlisted in the marine corps and earning swift promotion eventually leaving at the rank of Sgt. Meaning that Alexander can have a quick to temper, quick to ease temper and is known to be somewhat of a fighter when needed. Tempered by his training as a counsellor he is also a very eager listener and very happy to listen to what folks have to say.
Strengths & Weaknesses Leader

Can be hot headed
easy to draw into an argument but quickly relaxes

Ambitions To be happy with Tasha and the boys, for the fighting to end and to return to a brave new frontier of science and exploration seeking out new lives. Eventually would like his own command but does not want to take a command just because of his family name
Hobbies & Interests Pareses squares
Old time Country music
Range practice
martial arts

Service Record 2353: Born Cardiff Wales UK, Riker and Laforge enter Starfleet academy
2355: Hansen family leave Earth
2371: Aged 18 Graduated school entered military service
2375: Aged 23 Discharged marine corps, gained Batchelor of military sciences whilst serving
2375: Aged 23 Begins study as counsellor
2379: Enterprise E badly damaged after encountering Shinzon
2380: Aged 28 Completes counsellor training gains Batchelor of Science
2381: Enlists for the second time, Starfleet instead of marines
2383: Completes starfleet academy
2385: Completes Command school, secondary subject Starfighter command and tactics
2388: Promoted Lt. Jg Grade Serving on USS Belfast as CAG
2390: Promoted Lieutenant join Pegasus as Second officer USS Armitage
2392: Applies USS Tokyo, Second officer and CCIC