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Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 3:54am

Lieutenant JG Palu Vraaku

Name Palu Vraaku ‘Jumja’

Position Fighter Pilot

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 170 lbs
Hair Color Black
Physical Description Palu is a wiry Bajoran with a calm, cool stare behind his murky eyes. They are a rich brown which appear almost black in low light. Black, wavy hair frames his face cut short enough to stay neat. A tight array of ridges add character to his nose. An earring of silver pierces his ear in two places, a long chain dangles between connections and sparkles in the light.

He is tall to some, but closer to average height and build. All in all, Lt. JG Vraaku is a fairly unassuming man. There's a confidence in his mannerisms seen in everything from his stride to his facial expressions.

Palu takes pride in his uniform and appearance.


Relationship Status Single

Personality & Traits

General Overview Palu is known for being calm and reserved. Things which agitate him can spark a heavily buried temper. Yet Palu is known for being one of the cooler heads in a group. A strong sense of humor brings laughs, joking and a genuinely jocular personality. He's more likely to tease and chuckle than be angry or yell.

Lt. JG Vraaku tends to be reserved. He keeps to himself and doesn't open up much about his past. Palu builds connections with those he opens up to. He's more likely to have a few close friends compared to a large circle.

Many find his easygoing nature likable. His flying style is professional and calculating. His goal is to outthink his opponents. Enemy aggression is met with experience and intellect.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Intellectual. Palu is a thinker.
+Well balanced emotions keep him calm and collected.
+Amicable diplomat. He helps solve social conflict through debate.
+Team player. He is fairly humble and has a relatively small ego.

-Not as ambitious as most pilots.
-Has a tendency to hesitate when unsure.
-Not great in hand-to-hand combat.
-Has a tendency to withdraw and isolate when upset.
Hobbies & Interests Palu enjoys holonovels. This has lead to a love of reading. He even reads and collects old Bajoran manuscripts. Music plays a big part in his life. It helps him express himself and connect with his emotions. He grew up playing a Bajoran woodwind instrument called a tivara. It has been quite some time since he's practiced it in earnest.

Palu's faith is also important to him. He believes his life is guided by the Prophets and that everything happens for a reason.

Personal History Palu Vraaka was born on Bajor in 2367, during the tumultuous years of the Cardassian occupation. Growing up, he lived in a small village with his parents and two younger siblings. His father was a farmer and his mother was a schoolteacher. Despite the hardship of living under occupation, Palu had a relatively happy childhood. He was always fascinated by flight, watching the birds soar overhead and dreaming of one day being up there himself.

When the Dominion War ended, Palu's family was finally able to move to a larger city where he could attend school. There, he excelled in his studies and showed a particular aptitude for science and mathematics. He also began to pursue his dream of flight, spending hours tinkering with model ships and watching every starship that flew overhead.

In 2385, Palu was accepted into Starfleet Academy, where he pursued a degree in astrophysics and fighter operations. While at the Academy, he also played on the school's hoverball team, a popular sport among Starfleet cadets that involved flying hovercraft while trying to score goals with a ball. Palu was a skilled player, using his agility and quick reflexes to evade opponents and make daring passes.

Despite his success on the hoverball field, Palu remained focused on his studies and his dream of becoming a pilot. He spent countless hours in simulators, honing his skills and learning how to fly in a variety of conditions. He also made friends with a group of cadets who shared his passion for flight and often spent their free time talking about starships and flying techniques.
Service Record 2385-2389: Starfleet Academy
2389-2391: Starbase 400 - Fighter Pilot
2391-2394: Starbase 25 - Fighter Pilot
2394-2396: USS Ben Nevis - Fighter Pilot
2396-Present: USS Tokyo - Fighter Pilot